D8 THI HAWKED COtlR ANT: WJrdoy, .986 ED. 3rcD fo fef SCOREBOARD GOLF Pontlac Colonle Classic TENNIS Pllklngton Glass Ladles Championship BASEBALL American League EAST DIVISION Today's Games AMERICAN tIAGUI Monday Night Mets, 4-1 (10) Probable Time Pet. GB LiO Strtak Horn Awiy Boston 41 .661 6-5 Won 1 20- 9 2112 NewYork 37 26 .587 4V4 Lost 2 1715 20-11 Baltimore 35 27 .565 6 3-7 Lost 2 18-13 1714 Milwaukee 32 29 .525 8vi 6-4 Lost 1 18-14 14-15 tToronto 32 32 .500 10 6-4 3 17-17 15-15 Cleveland 30 31 .492 lOVi 6-4 lost 3 1817 12-14 Detroit 29 32 .475 11 VI 4-6 Won 2 16-14 13-18 WEST DIVISION Pet GB 110 Streak Horn Away 34 28 .548 6-4 Lost 3 18-13 16-15 33 31 .516 2 5-5 Won 3 18 13 15-18 'California 32 31 .508 2V4 6-4 Won 1 18-13 14-18 Oakland 27 38 .415 81 2-8 Lost 2 15-16 12-22 Chicago 25 36 .410 8V4 5-5 Lost 3 13-20 12-16 Minnesota 25 37 i .403 9 5-5 Won 2 1216 13-21 Seattle 26 39 .400 9vi 6-4 Won 4 14-16 12-23 TORN Clancy (), -4 40s t-9 II 1 34 t-t 14 1.7 ieTt MIL Hlouera(L) V-7' 2.30 0-t 7 SO 1-1 74 ag 10 50 K.C. -Saberhegen(R) SVa4Vb 4-4 131 1-0 15 l.M 24 UJ OAK Vouno(L) 4-3 0-1 4 9.00 12 )7V 5,60 I3.7S BOST Boyd (R I JJ 0-0 I3'j 4.0J 2-1 71 3 00 T2.M N.V. Tewksbury (R) -7 i-t 13 1-0 18' 1.17 10.57 SEAT Seattle 0-0 0 00 Od O's Inf 0-0 7 0 00 3 So cla Schrom (R) -7 5-2 1.1 1-0 MVt 47 1-0 Whi 1.01 OET Klng(R) 1-0 4.05 1-0 Wit 4.05 10 BALT Mcgregor(L) VhVh 54 4.7 VI 1.11 MVa 41 14.73 CHIC Cowley (R) Even-e 1-1 4 SO 10.41 2-1 Wt 1.04 MINN Anderson (R) 135 pm 0-0 ISO 0-0 100 TEX Guzman (R) i 1.17'- 0-1 1 t.00 11 4.1 12.M CAL Sutton (R) t-7 4-5 5.5S 1-0 13' 0.61 1-0 1.70 1.4 NATIONAL HAOU PHIL Rowley (L) 4 Is 0-0 lls .14 1-0 25 1.44 .00 CUBS Trout (L) Even-4 3-3 4.44 2-0 17 1.06 1-0 ll'i l.6 METS Gooden(R) Ml t-2 2.21 0-0 I 1.31 2-0 24 1.00 1.61 MONT Voumans(R) 54 4.41 l-l 23 1.35 10.17 HOUS Scott(R) a-I 2.6 1-1 ll'ra 7 4 7 1 25 1.16 7.56 CINN Denny(R) Plck'am 44 4.16 0-0 4.32 1-1 20 1.70 12.60 STL Tudor (L) 6vb-7vb 6-1 1.51 2-0 14 1.07 2-0 27V5 1.65 5.3 PITT Bieleckl (R) 4-4 5.40 1-1 17 4.76 13.76 L.A.
Valenzuele (L) SVt-tVt 94 1.7 1-1' llVj 4.61 2-1 25 .1.24 ,72 ATL Johnson (R) 7:40 pm 4-5 4.2 1 15.00 0-1 13'A 6.00 11.23 S.P. Lecoss(R) 2.4 0-t 20 1.41 10.45 S.D. Thurmond (L) 10:05 pm i'M'i 3-5 5-3 0-1 I 0.00 1-1 1M5 4.12 10.41 Bottom team li horn team. Favored team It designated by odds beside pitcher's name. All pitching data reflects the pitcher's past performance as a "starter." 116 pitcher's 1986 record as "starter." Vs Team at slta Pitcher's past performance vs.
today's opponent el the site ol today's game. Last 1 Starts Reflects how pitcher is currently going. Details his performance over his last three starts. WL Wonlost record asa IP Innings pitched ERA Earned run average. MBA Men on base average.
(Average number of men allowed to reach base via hits and walks per nine Innings pitched. The odds are estimated lines. Tuesday's Results Kansas City 2, Oakland 1 Boston at New York Seattle 5, Cleveland 2 Detroit 6, Baltimore 3 Chicago at Minnesota Toronto at Milwaukee Texas at California Monday's Retulta Boston 10, New York 1 Detroit 5, Baltimore 4 Toronto 9, Milwaukee 2 Kansas City 3, Oakland 2 (11). California 2, Texas 1 National League EAST DIVISION New York 44 Pet. .721 17 GB .550 10V4 .483 14 V4 .419 18V4 .417 18 vi .407 19 Montreal 33 27 29 31 Chicago 26 36 "St.
Louis 25 35 Pittsburgh 24 35 WEST DIVISION Houston 35 27 San Fran. .33 29 Pet .565 .532 .508 GB 2 3 "Atlanta 31 31 San Diego 30 Cincinnati 25 30 32 32 35 .492 .484 .417 5 9 4V4 AT SCHENECTADY, N.Y, Second-round i aar-71 Cheryl Stacy 70-73141 Barb Mucha 70-77147 AdeleLukken 74-74148 Parti Berendt 73-75148 Kim Bauer 71-78149 Tammie Green 75-75150 Martha Bastin 74-76150 Terri lyn Carter 72-78150 JanKleiman 72-79 151 Theresa Schreck 73 78-161 Mary Anne Widman 74-77151 Ann Walsh 71-81152 Laurie Brewer 75-77152 (e)Dottie Pepper 76-76152 Donna Fiedorowtct 76-77153 Kelley Merkette 79-74153 Jane Harris 80-74154 Kimberty Dirks 1 76-78154 ItzOmelas 75-80-155. Meg Mellop 78-77155 Lisa Cornelius 78-77155 Rebecce Bradley 78-77155 Alison Sellers 76-79155 Marilyn lovandef 80-76156 Holly Vaughn 61-75156 Debbie Pettizzl 77-79156 Julie Baxter 78-78156 Ginger Fulton 78-78156 Sue Fulton 72-84-156 Kethy Olmsted 77-79 156 Kris Hanson Nancy Taylor 78-78156 Knst Kolecny 74-82156 Nancy Mount 78-79157 Bonnie Overmann 78-79157 Susan Fromutli 76-81157 SueJohnson 1 77-80157 Connie McCarthy 76-82158 (aPatti Butcher Melenie Van Delden 74-85159 Lee Stetlens 77-83160 Bobbie Salmon 79 81160 Susie Krogness 79-82191 Cathy Lee 77-84161 Ann Stephenson 83-78161 GinaHull 77-84161 TaniTatum 79-84165 Denise Bondurent 78-85163' (a)-Casey Murphy 79-85164 Jody Christensen 82-83165 Linda Brock 80-85165 Anne Heuschneider 78-88166 (a)-Nancy Kroll 89-88177 Audrey Gove 85-93171 (e)-Charlene Petrona 89-89178 Penny Bronsdon 94-Dt) (ardenotes amateur Conn. Women's Golf Assoc Championship AT TUMBLE BROOK CC, BLOOMFIELD Championship FHght 7 Caroline Keggi, Waterbury, def. Salty Stock? man, RkJgewood, 6 and 5: Patty Vender, velde, Pautipaug, def.
Linda Kaye, Manches-. ter, 6 and Cara Andreoli, Wethersfiek), -def. Marjorie Funk, Yale, 8 and Sheila Vergith, Wampanoag, def. Linda Weintraub; Tumble Brook, 1 up; Barbara Young, AspeV tuck Valley, def. Hannah Steel, Hartford, 5 and Cheryl Ventura, Watertown, dot.
Susan Dutilly, Willimantic; 1 up 19 holes; Lida Kinnicutt, Hartford, def. Lois Dagle, Wilt)-' mantic, 3 and Marcia Dolan, Ridgewood, def. Hope Kelley, Farmington Woods, 4 and 3. 'I First Flight V'J Pamela Cunningham, Manchester, def. Lef ley laganza, Farmington, 7 and Sari Brown, Watertown, def.
Mary Ann Farmington Woods, 4 and Mary Betty -Bemdt, Shorehaven, def. Addy Bianchi; Greenwoods, 6 and Jean Marriott. Black, Hall, def. Barbara McGhw, Old Lyme, 5 and Second Flight Penny GoodsM. Black Hall, def.
Katherina RedfiekJ. Hartford, 5 and Jane Racklifle, Shuttle Meadow, def. Julia Keggi. Waterbury, 1 up; Karen Parciak-Karen, Manches-' ter, def. Bobbie McPherson, Black Hall, 1 up; Maynette Crothers, Shuttle Meadow, def.
Doris Meadow, Oronoque, 1 up. TODAYS PAIRINGS Championship Fllfht 8:20 a.m. C. Keggi vs. Vandervelde: 8:30 Andreoli vs.
Vergith: 8:40 Young vs. Ventura: 8:50 Kinnicutt vs. Dolan. First Flight 8 a.m. Cunningham vs.
Brown; 8:10 Bemdt vs. Marriott. Second Flight 9. a.m. Goodsilt vs.
Ratklifta; 9:10 Par-oak-Karen vs. Crothers. Golf Statistics Scoring Leaders 1, Bernhard Langer, 70.12. 2, Scott Hoch, 70.16. 3, Greg Norman, 70.17.
4, Calvin Peete, 70.24. 5. Payne Stewart, 70.31. 6. Andy Bean, 70.33.
7, Tom Watson, 70.36. 8, Paul Azinger, 70.37. 9, Bob Tway, 70.50. 10, Hal Sutton, 70 59. Average Driving Distance 1, Davis Love III, 285.8.
2, Greg Normaa, 277.4. 3, Fred Couples, 277.2. 4, Joey Sin-delar, 275.9. 5, John McCormsh, 275.7. 6, Bill Gtasson, 275.5.
70Tom Purtzer, 275.1. 8. Bill Sander, 273.8. 9, Craig Stadler, 273.5. lO.
Lon Hinkle, 273.3. Driving Percentage Fairway 1, Catvtn Peete. .833. 2. Mike Reid, .813.
1 Tom Kits, .775. 4, Doug TeweH, .768. 5 (tie), Larry Mize end Bruce lietzke, .766 7, Scott Simpson, .756. 8. David Frost, .755.
9 (tie), Gil Morgan and Peter Greens in Regulatlen 1. Calvin Peete, .734. 2. John Mahatfet, .724. 3, Johnny Miller, .717.
4. Andy Been, .709. 5, Dan Poht, .704. 6. Tony StMs.
.700. 7, Tom Watson, .698. 8, Greg Norman, .696. 9. Tom Purtzer, .695.
10, 2 tied with .692. Putting Leaders 1, Jim Colbert, 1.743. 2, Greg Norman, 1.745. 3, Bob Tway. 1.746.
4. Don Pooley, 1.750. 5 (tie), Hal Sutton and Payne Stewart, 1.756. 7, Ray Floyd, 1.757. 8.
Hubert Green, 1.758. 9, Bernhard Langer, 1.759. 10. Lanny Wadkins, 1.761. Percentage of Sub-Par Holes 1, Greg Norman, .255.
2, Andy Bean, .237. 3, Payne Stewart, .223. 4, Hal Sutton, .219. 5. Fuzzy Zoeller, .218.
6, Bob Tway. .217. 7, Craig Stadler, .216. 8, Donnie Hammond, .214. 9 (tie), Tom Purtzer and Tom Watson, .212.
Eagle Leaders 1, Greg Norman, 10. 2 (tie), Roger Maltbte and Blaine McCallister, 9. 4 (tie), Joey Sinde-lar, Robert Wrenn, Andy Bean, Dan Fors-msn, Jim Gallagher, Jr. and Mark McCumber.8. 10, 6 bed with 7.
Birdie Leaders 1. Bob Tway. 270. 2, Joey Sindetar, 244. 3 (tie).
Hal Sutton and Lanny Wadkins, 231. 5, Payne Stewart, 230. 6, Greg Norman, 224. 7. Craig Stadler, 224.
8. Andy Bean, 222. 9, Curtis Strange, 221. 10, Bobby Wadkins, 220. COURANT SCORfUNE 24-HOUW SERVICE 249-0171 AT EASTBOURNE, ENGLAND tingles First Round Lea Antonoplis, Qlendora, set.
Elizabeth Smylie, Australia, 6-2, 6 Robin White (14), San Jose, det. Eltse Buigin. Baltimore, Second Round Zina Garrison (6), Houston, del. Carina Karlsson, Sweden, 62, 6-1: Etsuko Inoue, Japan, del. Elizabeth Minter.
Australia, 6 3, 63; Larisa Savchenko. Soviet Union, def Peanut Harper, San Francisco, 64, 6-2; Svetlana Parkhomenko, Soviet Union, def. Mary Joe Fernandez (15), Miami, Fie 64, 2-6, 63, Natalie Tauaat, Franca, del. Catarl-na Lindqvist (9), Sweden, 6-2, 64: Betsy Nagelsen, Kapalua Bay, Hawaii, def. Barbara Potter (8), Woodbury, 64, 7-5; Jo Dune (11).
Britain, def. Rosalyn Falrbank, South Africa, 7-5, 7-5; Martina Navratilova (1), Fort Worth, Texas, def. Helen Kelesi, Canada, 6-1, 6-3: Gigi Fernandez, Puerto Rco, def. Terry etwlps (13), Lerchmont, 2-6, 64. 64: Anne Hobbs, Britain, def.
Bettina Bunge (16), West Germany, 2-6, 6-2, 6-3: Dunne Bakntret, Australia, def. Lea Antonoplis, Glendora. 64, 6-2: Claudia Kohde-Krisch (3). West Germany, def. Marcella Mesker, the Netherlands.
5-7, 6-3, 62: Helena Sukova (5), Czechoslovekia, det. Lori McNeil. Houston, 6-3. 64; Gabriels Ss-batini (7), Argentina, def. Sara Gomer.
Brit-ain, 6-2, 62; Robin White (14), San Jose, def. Marie-Christine Calleia, Franca, 64, 36. 6-1; Hana Mandlikova (2), Ciecho-Slovakia, def. Alycia Moulton, Sacramento, Calif. 6-1, 64.
First Round Martina Navratilova, Fort Worth, Texas, and Pam Shrlver, Lutherville, def. Carina Karlsson, Sweden, and Tine Scheuer-larson, Denmark, 6-2, 64; Laura Gildemeister, Peru, and Peanut Harper, San Francisco, det. Kathleen Horvath, Martin Downs, ano Elizabeth Minter, Australia, 6-2, 64; Ann Henricksson, Mahtomedi, and Christiana Jolissaint. Switzerland, def. Kater-Ina Maleeva and Manuela Malleeva, Bulgaria, 64, 6-1: Elizabeth Smylie, Australia, and Catherine Tanvier, Franca, def Jennie Byrne and Janine Thompson, Australia, 6-3, 6-3; Mercedez Paz, Argentina, and Stephanie Rene, Highland.
def. Camilla Benjamin, Bakersflekf, and Kim Sands, Miami, 7-6 (74). 64: Svetlana Parkhomenko and Larisa Savchenko, Soviet Union, def. Patty Fendick, Sacramento, and Jill Hetherington, Canada, 64, 6-3; Marcella Mesker, the Netherlands, and Pa scale Pared is, France, def. Catarina lindqvist, Sweden, end Virginia Wade, Britain, 4-6, 6-1, 6-2; Isabella Demongeot and Nathalie Tauziat, France, def.
Penny Barg, North Miami Beach. and Paula Smith, La Jolla Calif 6 2, 64; Zina Garrison, Houston, and Ga-briela Sabatini, Argentina, def. Elise Burgin. Baltimore, and Rosalyn Fairbank, South Africa, 4-6, 6-2, 6-2; Kathy Jordan, King of Prussia. and Alycia Moulton, Sacramento, def.
Susan Mascarin, Grosse Pomte, and Terry Phelps, Larchmont, 6-3, 64; Dianne Balestrat, Australia, and Eva Pfaff, West Germany, def. Lisa Bonder, Saline, and Mary Lou Piatek, Munster, 6-2, 6-2; Hana Mandlikova, Czechoslovakia, and Candy Reynolds, Knox-ville, def. Jo Dune, and Anne Hobbs, Britain, 6-3, 5-7, 64; Sanity Collins, Odessa, Texas, and Yvonne Vermaak, South Africa, def. Wendy White, Atlanta, and Kay McDaniet, Irving Texas, 6-3, 6-0; Claudia Kohde-Kilsch, West Germany, and Helena Sukova, Czechoslovakia, def. Lori McNeil, Houston, and Catherine Suite, Franca, 6-3, 64; Sara Gomer and Annabel Croft, Britain, def.
Betsy Nagelsen, Kapalua Bay, Hawaii, and Barbara Potter, Woodbury, 64, 1-1, retired. Bristol Trophy Grand Prix Tournament AT BRISTOL, ENGLAND Second Round Tim Wilkison, AsheviHe, N.C., def. James Turner, Britain, 7-6, 6-1; Simon Youl, Australia, def. Ricardo Acuna. Chile.
6-3; Vijay Amntrej, India, def. Tom Guilikson, Palm Coast, 6-Z, 5-7, 04; Jeremy Bates. Britain, def. Milan Srejber, Czechoslovakia. 64, 6-3; John Sadri, Charlotte, N.C., def.
Mark Edmondson, Australia, 7-6, 6-2; Bud SchuHz, Meriden, def. Peter Moraing 64; 6-1; Bob Green, Boston, def. Glenn Michibata, Canada, 7-6, 34, 13-11: Henri leconte, France, def. Dame Visser, South Africa, 64, 3-7, 6-1; Christo Steyn, South Africa, def. Thierry Champion, France, 7-5, 4-6, 64; Mark Woodforde, Australia, def.
Peter Lundgren, Sweden, 6-3. 7-6; Re-mesh Krishnan. India, def. Wally Masur, Australia, 6-2, 6-3; Mike Leach, Ann Arbor, def. Andrew Castle, Britain, 6-1, 1-0 retired; Michiel Schepers, the Netherlands, def.
Glenn layendecker, Portola Valley, 7-6, 7-5; Nduka Odizor, Nigeria, def. Olli Rahnasto. -6, 44, 9-7; Darren CahiH, Australia, def. Todd Witsken, Carmel, BOXING This Week's Fights Thursday At New York, Felt Forum, Iran Berkley, New York, vs. Tony Harrison, Oklahoma City, for Barkley's Continental Americas middleweight title, 12; Floyd Peavy, New York, vs.
Sabiyalla Diavila, Italy, welters, 10. Friday At Atlantic CHy, N.J., Resorts International, Jimmy Navarro, Miami, vs. Darryl Thigpen, St. Louis, bantams, 12. At Sydney, Australia, Jeff Fenech, Australia, vs.
Steve McCrory, Detroit, for Fenech's IBF bantamweight title, 12. Saturday At Atlantic City, N.J., Sands Hotel 4 Casino, Mark Breland, New York, vs. John Munduga, Tampa, welters, 10. Sunday At San Juari, Puerto Rico. Azumah Nelson, Ghana, vs.
Danilo Cabrera, Dominican Republic, for Nelson's WBC featherweight title, 12. USBA Ratings The United States Boxing Association official ratings through May 16. Heavyweight Champion: Vacant 1, Tony Tucker, Mich. 2, Tony Tubbs, NJ. 3.
James Broad, NJ. 4, Mentis Frazier, Pa. 5, James Smith, N.C. 6. Carl Williams, N.Y.
7, James Douglas, Ohio. 8. Mike Tyson, N.Y. 9, David Bey. Pa.
10. Eddie Gregg. N.Y. Crutserwelftrt Champion: Boone Putts, J. Ricky Parkey.
NJ. 2. Evander Horyfield. Ga. 3.
Henry Tillman. Calif. 4, Bernhard Benton. Mich. 5.
Atfonzo Ratlitf, W. 6, Oor-cey Gaymon, Fla. 7. Bash AJi. Cakt.
8. Anthony Davis, Nov. 9. Anthony Wrtherspoon, Pa. 10.
Carlos Hernandez, Pa. Last 1 starts BRA Wt IP BRA MBA Monday Night Padres, 4-0 SANFRAN abrhbl Mide0 rl 4 0 0 0 Aidif.t lb 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 leona'd If 4 0 1 0 CDavis cf 3 0 3 0 Melvin 4 0 0 0 RThpsr, 2ti 3 0 10 Uribe 3 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MUavis 0 0 0 0 Mi'itori 0 0 0 0 Woodrdph 10 0 0 Berengr 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 0 7 0 SAN DIEGO abrhbl 4 12 1 2 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 4 12 0 4 1)0 2 1)0 3 0 12 2 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Wynne cf 6Tir. rf -McRyids II Garvey lb Nellies 3t Kenned) Tmpltr. Fiannry Martmz pti RotieitsJt. Hawkins Totals 27 4 8 4 San Francisco San Diego 000 000 0000 000 001 3014 Game Winning RBI Wynne I3.
DPjSan Francisco 4. San Diego 1. 10B San Francisco 6. San Diego 5 2B CDavis. HR Wynne 131.
SB Leonard 1 10). Hawkins. Kennedy I IP ER BB SO San Francisco Garrelts 6 4' 0 0 1 i laskey.l.I-1 1 3 3 0 0 MDavis 1 1 2 2 Minion- 0 0 0 0 0 Berenguer 1 0 0 0 0 1 San Diego Hawkins W.54 9 7 0 0 1 5 Laskey pitched to2 battersin the 7ti: HBP Kennedy by GarrellS: A 13,408. Royals, 3-2 (11) KANSASCITV OAKLAND abrhM 4 0 10 10 0 0 5 111 3 0 11 5 0 11 4 0 0 0 5 000 5 0 10 4 0 0 0 2 110 1100 ibrhM 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 2 LSmith ASalazrss Law cf Brett 3b Ortadh White 2b Balboni lb Brewer rf Sundbrge Biancln ss Wilson cf Phillips 2b 4 Bochte lb 5 DHill pr 0 Lansfrd3b5 Canseco II 4 Kngmn dh 5 MOatisrf 4 Griffin ss 4 Tettletonc2 Peters cf 1 Javier cf 2 Wlllardc 1 Totals 37 ToUts 39 1 1 City 001 000 000 013 Oakland 000 010 001 011 Game Winning RBI Law (4). Canseco.
LOB Kansas City 7, Oakland 6. 2B Griffin, Law. HR MDavis (7). SB-Griffin (12). Peters (1), Wilson (17).
SF Canseco. IP ER BB SO Kansas City Bankhead 9 4 110 7 Black W.4-4 1 1112 0 1 10 0 10 Oakland Lngfrd 6Vi 4 110 4 Ontiveros 3Vj 0 0 0 0 4 Rijo 2 2 3 2 Black pitched to 1 batter In the 1 1th; HBP Brett by Langford; A 15,958. Blue Jays, 9-2 TORONTO MILWAUKEE abrhM Gantnr 2b 5 0 1 0 Yount cf 5 0 4 1 Cooper dh 4 0 1 1 Oglivie I 4010 Robidx lb'4 0 0 0 abrhM Fernndz ss 5 1 2 2 Mullnks3b5 13 0 Upshw lb 5 0 1 1 BeHlf 5 111 Barfield cf 4 1 2 0 Shephrdcf 0 0 0 0 Johnsn dh 4 1 1 0 Gruber ph 1 0 0 0 Leach rf 5 110 Whitt 4 2 2 2 lorg 2b 3 12 3 Totals 41 9 15 Riles ss 2 0 10 Deer rf 4 0 0 0 Sveum 3b 4 0 0 0 Cerone 4 2 2 0 Totals 16 2 10 2 Toronto Milwaukee 001 014 0039 000 010 1002 Game Winning RBI Whitt (1). Bell. DP Toronto 1.
LOB Toronto 7, Milwaukee 9. 2B Cerone, Yount, Fernandez, Whitt. Barfield, Mulliniks. HR Whitt (5), Bell 110), Fernandez (2). SF lorg, IP ER BB SO -Toronto Alexandr W.5-3 5 6 1 0 1 2 Gordon S.l 4 4 1111 Milwaukee Wegman 1.2-6 hVi 9 6 6 0 3 Searge 2V 6 3 3 0- 0 Cocanowr 1,0 0 0 0 1 Searage pitched to 4 batters In the 9th; HBP Barfield by Cocanower; WP Wegman; BK Searage; PB Cerone; A 12,809.
Angels, 2-1 TEXAS CALIFORNIA abrhM Pettis cf 3 0 0 0 JKHwl ph 1 1 0 0 Joyner lb 4 1 1 1 DeCncs3b4 0 0 0 RJcksn dh 2 0 0 0 Hendrckrf4 0 0 0 Downing If 3 0 0 0 Wlltong2b2 0 0 0 Schoflkj ss 3 0 0 0 Boone 10 0 0 RJonesph 10 0 0 Totals 21 2 1 1 rhM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 000 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 00 McDwelcf 3 Fletchrss 4 OBrien lb 3 Incvglidh 3 Ward 4 GWright If 0 Sierra rf 3 Harrah 2b 4 Buchle 3b 3 Mercadoc 3 Totals 30 1 4 Texas 010 000 0001 000 000 0021 Two outs when winning run scored. Game Winning RBI None. Pettis. GWright. DP Texas 1 California 1.
LOB Texas 6, California 4. IP ER Bl SO Tesaa Hough 1.5-3 8H 1 2 0 4 8 CaHfernla McCaskill 64 9 4 1 0 3 10 HBP Sierra by McCaski; PB Mercado A 24,993. at site vs. team Odds WL BRA Wi, It Expos, 4-2 NEWVORK abrhM MWilsn cf 4 1 2 0 Mitchell ss 4 1 2 1 KHrndzlb4 0 0 0 Carter 3 0 11 Strwbry rf 4 0 0 0 Foster If 4 0 0 0 Knight 3b 3 0 1 0 Teufel 2b 3 0 2 0 Berenyi 1 0 0 0 Siskp 0 0 0 0 Hearnph 10 0 0 Niemann pO 0 0 0 Totals 31 1 I 2 MONTREAL abrhbl 110 1 3 12 1 Webster rf Law 2b Raines If Brooks ss 4 110 3 0 0 0 3 0 11 WaHach3b Krnchc lb Galarrg lb 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Winghmct Fitzgerld Heskethp Burke 3 0 0 0 3 12 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 26 4 4 New York Montreal 200 000 0002 101 100 1014 Game Winning RBI Fitzgerald (1). Krenchicki.
DP Montreal 1. LOB 8. 2B Mitchell. SB-Webster 2 (17), Raines (30), Fitzgerald (1). Berenyi, SF Carter, Webster.
IP ER BB SO New York Berenyi 4 3 3 3 7 4 Sisk 3 3 1' 1 2 1 Niemann 1 0 00 0 2 Montreal HeskethW.44 8VS 8 2 2 0 11 Burke 0 0 0 0 0 Berenyi pitched to2 batters In the 5th; WP Hesketh, Berenyi; PB Carter; A 20,193. Reds, 5-4 HOUSTON CINCINNATI abrhM brhM 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 10 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 3 0 2 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dor an 2b 3 1 1 1 Hatcher cf 5 0 1 1 Milnercf 4 Rose lb 4 Venablelf 4 EDavtsrf 4 Rowdn 3b 3 Cncpcn ss 3 BDiaz 4 Oester 2b 3 Welsh 2 Power 0 Parker oh 1 Franco 0 Garner 3b 4 1 1 1 GDavis lb 3 0 1 0 Bassrf 4 12 0 Cruz If Bailey Puhlpr 3 0 10 2 0 0 0 0 10 0 4 0 2 0 BPenass MHmdz 1 0 0 1 Pnkvts ph 1 0 0 0 Andersn Walker oh 1 0 0 0 Totals 31 4 9 4 Totals 12 i 10 I Houston Cincinnati 110 000 1014 010 Oil OOx Game Winning RBI Conception (2). BPena, Garner, up Cincinnati i. LOB Houston 7, Cincinnati 7. 2B Rose, uester.HK uarnertoj.ao tuavisuui, Doran (19), Hatcher (18).
MHernandez, Welsh, Kowdon. st uoran. IP It ER BB SO Houston MHernndz L.l-2 6 9 5 2 1 1 Andersen 2 1 0. 0 1 0. Cincinnati Welsh W.2-1 6 7 3 3 3 3 Power IV) 1 0 0 0 0 Francos, 11 1 11110 HBP GDavis by Welsh; WP MHernandez; A 16,824.
Braves, 4-3 (10) LOSANGEIS ATLANTA abrhM Wshgtn rf 4 1 1 0 Moreno If 4 1 1 0 Murphy cf 3 2 1 0 abrhM 5 0 0 0 3 0 10 5 0 10 3 0 2 0 Duncan ss Sax 2b Landrx cf Madlck 3b Horner lb 5 0 1 1 Oberkfl3b4 0 2 1 Ramirz ss 4 0 1 2 Virgil 4 0 0 0 Hubbrd 2b 3 0 1 0 Mahler 2010 Olwine 00 00 Chmbisphl 0 0 0 Dedmon 0 0 0 0 Harper ph 1 0 0 0 AsnmchrpO 0 0 0 Touts 35 4 4 Andesn 3b Marshal rf 2 0 10 5 2 3 2 Stubbs If 4 12 0 0 0 0 0 Niednfur Brock lb Trevino Welch Matszk ph Howell RWIIims If Totals 3 4 0 0 0 4 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 112 1 Los Angeles Atlanta 000 200 000 13 100 001 000 24 Two outs when winning run scored. Game Winning RBI Ramirez (1). DP Los Angeles 1 Atlanta 2. LOB Los An-gete 1 1 Atlanta 9. 2B OberkfeU Ramirez.
HR Marshall 2 1 171.SB Moreno (8), Stubbs (5). Welch, Moreno. SF Ramirez. IP ER BB SO Us Angeles Welch 7 7 2 2 1 6 Howell L.24 2Vi 0 2 2 4 1 Niednfuer vs 2 0 0 0 0 Atlanta Mahler 6Vi 10 2 2 5 3 Olwine to 0 0 0 0 0 Dedmon 2 1 0 0 0 2 AssnmchrW2 1 1110 1 A 24,774. Junior Division Monday's Results Sacred Heart 9, Windsor 7 ChesNre6.HerbsO Newington Babe Ruth 4, Bloomfield 1 Berlin 12, Manchester 3 South End Merchants 15, East Hartford 5 -Today's Game Newington at Seciad Heart.
Thursday's Games Herb's at Simsbury at Simsbury High Manchester Merchant at South End Merchants at Goodwin Park. Hartford Accountemps at Berlin Merchants at Berlin Cheshire Mustangs at Bloomfield at Bloomfield Jr. High Evans, Oliver leanord at Windsor at Windsor High Glastonbury at East Hartford at Shea Field, East Hartford NEWYORK rhM 0 1 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 121 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 00 0 ooo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MONTREAL brhM 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 MWilsn cf 5 Bckmn 2b 5 KHrndz lb 3 Strwbry rf 3 Carter 3 Foster If ,7 Dykstra cf 2 Knight 3b 5 Santana ss 4 Darling 3 McDwU 0 Heep ph 1 Stskp 0 Winghmcf 5 Webster rf 5 Raines 3 Brooks ss 3 Wallach3b4 Galarrg lb 4 Law 2b 2 Newmn2b0 Bilrdek) 1 Fitzgerld cl Tibbs 2 Krnchc ph 1 McClure 0 Burke 0 Candelph 1 Reardon 0 Totals 12 Totals Hill 000 000 100 1-4 000 000 010 01 Game Winning RBI Strawberry (10). Galarraga, Winnkigham. DP New York 2.
Montreal 2. LOB flew York 9. Montreal 11. 2B Backman 2, Webster, Strawberry. SB Raines 1291, Strawberry, (13), Backman (5).
law. IP ER IB SO New York Darling 4 0 0 6 8 McDwII 1 2 111-0 Slsk W.l-l 1 Montreal Tiobs 1 ,7 3 1 0 6 5 McClurs Vi 1 0 0 0 1 Burke lVs 0 0 0 0 2 Reardon 1 3 3 2 1 2 HBP Wallach by Slsk; WP Tibbs; A 16,347. BOWLING KesslerOpen AT DUBLIN, CAUF. Filth-round (with match play records and 34-game totals) 1. Rick Sajek, Coral Springs, Fla 124, 8.190.
2. 13-2-1, 8.155. 3. Dave Hosted, Milwaukie, 10-6, 8.130. 4.
Norm Duke, Fort Worth, 13-3, 8,056. 5. George Pappas, Charlotte, N.C., 1 1-5. 7,898. 6.
Amleto Monacelti, Venezuela, 10-6. 7,894. 7. Marshall Holman, Medford. 11-5, 7.868.
8. Harold Sol-lira, Greater Detroit, 9-7, 7,764. 9. Del Ballard Richardson, Texas, 9-7, 7,762. 10.
Randy Pedersen, Santa Maria, 8-8, 7,746. 11. Brian Voss, Tacoma, 8-8. 7,744. 12.
Dave Arnold, Campbell, 9-5-2. 7,740. 13. Pete Weber, St. Louis, 6-10, 7,726.
14. Don Genak), Perrys-burg, Ohio, 4-12, 7,681. 15. Jim Winkle-pleck, Gladstone, 6-10, 7,611. 16.
Purvis Granger, Lafayette, 8-8, 7,572. 17. Jim Stefanich, JoJiet. 7-9, 7.566. J8 Tony Westlake, Altus, 6-10, 7,540.
19. James Miller, Mesa, 6-10, 7,531. 20. Bill Peters, Englewood, Ohio, 4-11-1, 7,529. 21.
Kevin Mcerr, Lincoln, 6-10. I CYCLING Tour of Switzerland AT BELUNZONA, SWITZERLAND Results and overall standings following the seventh stage, a Id-mile leg te BetHnaona. 1, Guy Nulens, Belgium, 3 hours, 57 minutes, 19 seconds. 2, Henk Lubberding, Netherlands, same time. 3, Daniel Wyder, Switzerland, same 4, Erich Maechler, Switzerland, same time.
5, Rocco Cattaneo, Switzerland, same time. 6, Dominic Garde, France, same time. 7, Pedro Delgado, Spain, same time. 8, Giuseppe Cakatena, Italy, same time. 9, Sean Kelly, Ireland, 1 minutes, 21 seconds behind.
10, Juerg Bruggmsnn, Switzerland, same time. TRANSACTIONS BASEBALL American League CLEVELAND INDIANS Released Jim Kern, pitcher. Recalled Dickie Notes, pitcher, from a 204ay rehabilitation program at Maine of the International League. MILWAUKEE BREWERS Activated Paul Moktor, third baseman. Outrighted the contract of -Paul Householder, outfielder, to Vancouver of the Pacific Coast League.
Notional League LOS ANGELES DODGERS Recalled Jack Fimple, catcher, from Albuquerque of the Pacific Coast League. Placed Mike Scioscia, catcher, on the 15-day disabled list. ST. LOUIS CARDINALS Signed Luis Alices, second baseman, and assigned him to Erie of the New York Perm League. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association CHICAGO BULLS Announced they will not pick up the August 1 option clause on the contract of Quintm Dailey, guard, allowing him to become a free agent.
Signed Calvin Duncan, guard, and Mike Brown, canter-forward. CLEVELAND CAVALIERS Traded Roy Hln-son. forward, and other considerations to the Philadelphia 76ers for the rights to Brad Daugherty, center. Acquired the rights to Mark Price, guard, from Dallas tor a second round draft pick in 1989 and other undisclosed considerations. LOS ANGELES LAKERS Traded Mike McGee, guard, and the rights Ken Barlow, forward, to Atlanta for the rights to Billy Thompson, forward and the rights to Ron Kellogg, forward.
PHILADELPHIA 76ERS Traded Moses Ma-lone, center, Terry Catledge, forward, the rights to Anthony Jones, guard, and 1988 first-round draft pick to the Washington Bullets for Jeff Ruland, center, and Cliff Robin- PORTLAND TRAILBLAZERS Traded Steve Colter, guard, to the Chicago Bulb) in exchange for the rights to Larry Krystkowiak, forward, and second round picks 1987 and 1992. FOOTBALL National Football League BUFFALO BILLS Named Jerry Foran director of marketing and sales. GREEN BAY PACKERS Signed Bob Thomas, pujcekKker. SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS Signed Kevin Lamar, offensive guard, Richard Dixon and Enrico Tipton, linebackers, and Robert Weir, tackle. Cut Jim Dennis, center -guard, and Albert Marvin, defensive end.
HOCKEY American Heckey League ST. CATHARINES SAINTS Signed a five-year agreement to move to Newmarket next season. National Hockey League BUFFALO SABRES Announced retirement of Gilbert Perreault, center. COLLEGE ARIZONA Named John Mattko offensive line coach. GEORGIA Announced that men's assistant basketball coach Eddie Biedenbach will no longer make recruiting trips.
Assigned Assistant coach Larry Gay to road recrurbng. rONA Named John Conceaon sports infer-motion director. MONMOUTH, NJ. Named Joe Favorite sports information director. OTTAWA, KAN Named Steve HM man's basketball coach.
NL Box Scores Cardinals, 6-2 STLOUIS PITTSBURGH abrhM abrhM Ford If 5 12 0 Bonds cf 3 0 1 0 OSmith ss 3 0 1 0 RReykts 4 0 0 0 Pndltn 3b 4 1 0 0 Ray 2b 4 0 0 0 JCIark lb 3 2 1 1 Morrisn3b3 1 1 0 McGee cf 3 1 0 1 Bream lb 2 1 0 0 Hurdle rf 3 2 1 3 Almon ph 1 0 0 0 Landrm rf 1 0 0 0 TPena 4 0 10 Lvllre 5 0 2 1 MBrown rf 2 0 1 1 0ouend2b 3 0 2 1 Belliard ss 3 0 1 1 Mathews 3 0 0 0 Reuschelp2 0 0 0 Khalifa ph 1 0 0 0 McWIms 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 7 9 7 Totals 29 1 I JCIarkreached first oncatcher'slnterference. StLours Pittsburgh 000 200 4017 010 100 0002 Game Winning RBI McGee (21. RReynokJs 2, TPena. DP StLouts 1. LOB StLouis 9.
Pittsburgh 4. 2B Ford, Bonds, Lavalliere. HR Hurdle (1), JCIark (8). SB McGee (81. OSmith 2 (12), Bonds (51.
OSmith, Mathews. SF MBrown, Oquendo, McGee. IP ER BB SO Stlouis Mathews W.3-1 9 5 2 2 3 4 Pittsburgh Reuschel L.4-6 7 7 6 5 4 4 McWillms 2 2 11 1 2 A 9,424. Phillies, 11-8 PHILA CHICAGO akrh abrhM Stone If 3 10 Schu 3b 2 0 1 Roenick cf 6 0 .0 0 DMrtnz cf 3 1 0 0 2 Hoffman pO 0 0 0 0 Frazier 0 0 0 0 0 Francn ph 0 0 0 0 2 Lopes 3b 4 10 0 0 Sndbrg2b5 1 2 0 0 Durhm lb 4 1 2 1 2 Moreind rf 5 1 1 1 0 JDavts 4 0 1 2 1 GMthws If 3 0 0 0 2 FontenotpO 0 0 0 Samuel 2b 4 1 1 Shmdt 3b 5 1 2 Bedrosn 0 0 0 Hayes lb 4 3 2 GWitson rf 5 1 2 Daulton 2 0 0 JoRssll 1 2 1 Jettzss 3 1 1 Maddux 2 0 0 Foley ph 10 0 Tekulve 0 0 0 GGrossIf 1 1 1 0 Bauer 0 BosleyH 1110 0 Dunstonss3 110 1 Sutcliffe 2 0 1 0 Muphry If 2 1 1 2 10 Totals 36 8 10 Totals 391111 Philadelphia Chicago 003 001 06111 100 300 013 Game Winning RBI JoRusseil (2). GaMatthews, Samuel, Fontenot, Dunston, Schu.
DP Philadelphia 2. LOB Philadelphia 9, Chicago 6. 2B Hayes 2, GWilson, Sandberg, Moreland, JoRusseil, Schu, Dunston. SB DMartinez (1), Hayes (10). IP ER BB SO Philadelphia Maddux 5 5 4 4 1 2 Tekulve W.l-1 2 1 0 0 0 2 Bedrosn 2 4 4 3 3 2 Chtcaeo Sutcliffe 6 5 4 4 5 3 Fontenot 1,2 2 1 2 3 2 0 0 Bailer 0 f0 2 1 2 0 Hoffman 1 2 1 0 0 2 Frazier 12 1112 Fontenot pitched to3batters in the8th, Bailer pitched to 2 batters in the 8th; HBP DMar tinez by Maddux; wr Maoaux, outciirre; A 27,114.
Twilight League Pet Pts. Superior Ford 5 3 .625 10 Ketz Sports 5 3 .625 10 Moriarty Brothers 5 3 .625 10 Marco Pok) 5 4 .556 10 Imagineers 4 3 .571 8 Mallove's Jewelers 4 3 .571 8 Herb's Sports 4 4 .500 8 Big Dollar 4 5 .444 8 Society for Saving 3 5 .375 6 Nwngton Capitols 2 4 .333 4 Vernon Orioles 1 8 .167 2 Sunday's Results Vernon 5, Capitols 3 Herb's 4, Marco Polo 3 Katz 6, Big Dollar 3 Imagineers 8, Mallove's 5 -Monday's Results Big Dollar 1. Herb's 0 Society 8. Imagineers 0 Tuosday'e Results. Moriarty 5, Imagineers 4 Mallove's 2, Superior 1 Today's Games Superior at Herbs at Windsor High School, 6 p.m.
pod to June 23. Vernon Orioles at Katz at Ceppa Field, Mer-kJen, 7 p.m. Thursdays Games Society at Dollar at Muzzy Field. Bristol, 7:30 p.m. Capitols at Imagineers at Bloomfield High School, 6 p.m.
Katz at Mallove's at Palmer Field, Middle-town, 7:30 p.m. Marco Polo at Moriarty at Moriarty Field, Manchester, 7:30 p.m. Superior at Vernon at Henry Park, 6 p.m. Monday's Home Runs i raciiF bMiwi tH Tkmrtr rjemnsev f8V Yrjunfl (5), Orioles; Whrtt (5), Bell (10), Fernandez (2). Blue Jays; Davis (), a s.
MaTIAMaJ IFSfUlF rvKn. riih- riark ITk Cardinals: Bonds (4), Pirates; OberkfeU (4), Thomas (2), Braves; Wynne (J), Padres. Tank McNamara By LIO 8-2 6-4 5- 5 4-6 4- 6 37 LIO 6- 4 5- 5 5-5 7- 3 5-5 4-6 Streak Lost 1 Wont 1 Won 1 Lost 1 Won 1' Lost 5 Streak Lost 2 Lost 1 Won 1 Won 1 Won 1 Won 1 Horn 22- 7 14- 14 15- 11 17-14 12-20 12-22 Homa 16- 14 17- 15 15-14 22-12 20-16 8-16 Away 22-10 19-13 14-20 9-22 13-15 12-13 Away 19-13 1614 16- 16 9-20 10-16 17- 19 Mi Tuesday's Results Philadelphia 11, Chicago 8 Montreal 4. New York 2 St. Louis 7, Pittsburgh 2 Cincinnati 5, Houston 4 Los Angeles at Atlanta San Francisco at San Diego AL Box Scores Royals, 2-1 KANSASCITV OAKLAND abrhM Phillips 2b 3 0 1 1 DHill 3b 5 0 2 0 Lansfrdlbd 00 0 Canseco rf 5 0 1 0 Kngmn dh 4 0 0 0 abrhM 3 0 10 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 10 3 110 10 0 0 Wilson cf Uones cf LSmith If Law rf Brewer rf Brett 3b Ortadh McRae ph White 2b Balboni lb Quirk DuBakr II 3 0 2 0 Javier cf 0 0 0 0 Peters cf 0 0 0 0 MOavrs cf 3 0 0 0 Griffin ss 4 1 1 0 Tettletonc2 0 10 Bochte ph 0 0 0 0 Lngfrd pr 0000 Totals 33 1 1 4 111 3 0 11 3 0 10 3 0 0 0 Biancln ss Totals 30 2 2 Kansas City 000 200 0002 000 010 0001 Game Winning RBI White 14).
Mooneyham, Phillips, Balboni. Dp Kansas City 1 Oakland 2. LOB Kansas City 6, Oakland 12. MDavis, LSmith. IP ER BB SO Kansas CHy DJackson W.34 8 7 1 1 4 5 Quisnbry 1.
1 0 0 1 0 Oakland Moonyhm L.l-1 7Vi 6 2 2 3 4 Leiper 0 0 0 1 0' Rijo 0 0 0 0 2 HBP Javier by DJackson; A lU.lbd. Mariners, 5-2 SEATTLE abrhM Reynlds2b 5 0 10 Moses 4010 Bradley If 4 1 2 0 ADavis lb 5 2 5 0 Presley 3b 5 1 2 1 GThms dh 4 1 2 3 Trtabll rf 3 0 1 1 Owen ss 4 0 0 0 Yeager 3 0 10 Totals 37 15 CLEVELAND abrhM Butler cf 4 0 0 0 Brnzrd 2b 4 1 10 Carter lb 4 1 2 2 Thrntn dh 4 0 1 0 MHall If 4 0 10 Jacoby 3b 4 0 1 0 Franco ss 4 0 10 Snyder rf 3 0 0 0 Bando 3 0 2 0 Totals 34 2 9 Seattle 030 020 000 000 002 0002 Game Winning RBI GThomas (31. MHall. Presley. DP Seattle 3, Cleveland 1.
LOB Seattle 11, Cleveland 5. 2B ADavis, Yeager, Jacoby. HR GThomas (101, Carter (9). SF TartabuH. IP ER BB SO Seattle Morgan W.5-6 9 9 2 2 0 2 PNiekro L6 4V 10 5 5 3 0 Yett 3 5 0 0 2 3 Bailes 1 0 0 0 0 1 A 7,053.
Tigers, 6-3 DETROIT abrhM Whtakr 2b 4 2 3 2 Collins II 2 0 1 1 Herndon If 2 0 0 0 Gibson rf 5 13 3 LNParsh 5 0 1 0 DEvns dh 4 0 0 0 Brgmn lb 5 0 3 0 Tramml ss 5 0 2 0 SherirJn cf 1 1 0 0 Lemon cf 2 0 0 0 Brokns 3b 3 2 2 0 Totals 3t 15 BALTIMORE arhM 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 3 7 1 Wggns 2b 3 Beniqz ph 0 Hudler 2b 0 Lacy rf 4 Ripken ss 4 Murray lb 3 Sheets dh 4 MkYong If 3 OMally 3b 3 Shelby cf 3 Dempsy 3 Totals 30 200 200 0204 000 000 2101 Bettlmere Game Winning RBI Gibson 121. Ripken, Dempsey. DP Detroit 1, Baltimore 1. LOB Detroit 10, Baltimore 3. 28 Bergman, Dempsey.
3B Whitaker. HR Gibson (5), Sheets (9). SB Collins 112). Brookens 2 (5). Collins.
SF Bemquez. fMfoH 6 4 2 2 2 3 HtrnandzS.il 2Vi 3 1 1 0 2 Davis L.5-7 3 9 4 3 2 3 Havens IVt 2 0 0 1 1 Bordi 4 2 2 1 3 A 21,523. JC-Courant Senior League Monday's Result Pitta Gourmet 4, Mark's Auto Recyders 0 Tuesday's Results Arties Cleaners 6, Gerber Scientific 0 Simsbury 6, Vernon 0 Manchester Junior legion 5, Marlborough 4 New Britain Parks 10. Dillon Baxter 10 (called by darkness) Cheshire Varsity 10, Newington 2 Herb's Sport Shop 11, Mark Auto Recyders 1 Pitta Gourmet 14, Windsor Saints 6 Today's GwRaW Marlborough at Vernon's Paul Pizza at Henry Park, Vernon Arties Cleaners at DUIion Baxter at Webb, Vrethersfield Thursdays Games Mark's Auto Recytlere at Gerber Scientific at Ouprey, South Windsor Newington Mustangs at Pitta Gourmet at Colt Hertford Friday's Canoe New Britain Parks et Simsbury et Memo-nel, Simsbury Discount Sports at Cheshire Varsity at McKenna Field, East Hartford Manchester Jr. legnn at Windsor Saints at Windsor Hsjh American Legion ZONE I Thursday's Game East Hartford at Manchester Friday's Game Enfield at South Windsor Sunday's 8 erne Manchester et Windsor locks Monday's Results Chicago 7, Philadelphia 5 New York at Montreal St.
Louis 4, Pittsburgh 1 (5. rain) Atlanta 4, Cincinnati 3, 10 innings -San Diego 4, San Francisco 0 "AL Leaders -4ThnMjgh Tuesday Afternoon's Qjnwt) 8ased on 145 at Bote. AB It "BoggsBsn 60 221 41 VountMil 51 186 36 62 273 51 -SglivieMil 43 150 15 tWce Bsn 62 247 37 Lynn Bit 48 165 28 Sell Tor 62 246 37 Hrbek MM 60 225 43 Pet. 84 .371 .355 .347 82 .332 54 .327 80 .325 73 .324 84 .317 foattinglyNY 63 265 40 ReJecksnCel 48 154 27 48 .312 "hom*o Runs Joyner, California, 19; Barfield, Toronto, 16: Canseco, Oakland, 16; Baylor, Boston, 15; Brunansky, Minnesota, 15; Gaetti, Minneso- -He, 15; LNParnsh. Detroit, 15; Puckett, Mm-nesota, 15.
Runs Batted In lanseco. Oakland, 58; Mattingly, New York, Joyner, California, 50: Murray, Balti- more, 47; Rice, Boston, 47; Kingman, Oak--iknd, 45; Winfiek), New York, 45; Baylor, -Boston, 44. Pitching (7 Decisions) Clemens, Boston, 12-0, 1.000; Boddicker, Baltimore, 9-1, Williams, Texas, 6-1, Haas, Oakland, 7-2, Neves, Mil. waukee, 6-2, Rasmussen, New York. 6-2, Schrom, Cleveland, 5-2, Tewksbury, New York, 5-2, Whrtson, New York, 5-2.
.714. NL Leaders (Through Tuesday Afternoon's Games) Based on 145 at Bats. 0 AB Brooks Mon 50 196 35 Gwynn SO 61 239 40 Gamer Htn 46 145 25 Raines Mon 58 227 41 anPykstra NY 58 156 30 CBrownSF 48 176 25 Knight NY 55 205 25 Ray Pit 54 206 24 OSmithStL 57 185 22 58 217 36 V.A.IA 59 227 33 Pet 66 .337 80 .335 47 .324 73 .322 50 .321 56 .318 65 .317 65 .316 58 .314 68 .313 71 .313 Runs Los Angeles, 15; Parker, Circin- nati, 14; Brooks, Montreal, 13; Dawson, Montreal, 12; GDavis, Houston, 12; Garvey, 7-San Diego. 12; McReynokts, San Diego, 12; Carter, New York, 11; Stubbs. Los Angeles, Batted at 1 IDavis, San Francisco.
46: Schmidt, Phila-setphia, 44; Brooks. Montreal, 43; Carter, vJHew York, 42; Marshall, Los Angeles, 42; "'Parker, Cincinnati, 42: GDavis, Houston, 40; Sandberg, Chicago, 39. 'Pttchkie (7 Decisions) -Goooen, New York. 8-2, Ojeda, New York, 8-2, Darting, New York, 7-Z, .778: Fernandez. New York, 7-2, .778: Knepper, Houston, 104, LaCoss, San Francisco, 5-2, Niedenfuer, Lot Ange rs.
5-2, Rowley, Philadelphia, 94, 692; Valenzueia. Los Angeles, 94. .692. Eastern League I 35 25 33 27 Pet GB .583 .550 2 .536 3 pittsfield (Cubs) Beading (Phillies) ermont (Reds) 30 26 "New Britan Sx) 29 28 "Hlbany (Yankees) 30 31 "Jlashue (Pirates) 28 32 aliens Falls (Tigers) 27 32 (Yaterbury(lnoins) 24 35 Sunday's Results Albany 6-13, Glens Fails 2-0 eVaterbury 1-3, Nashua 04 (1st, Vermont 7, PittsfiekJ 1 "leading 18. New Britain 7 Monday's Results rtemont 10, Albany 9 lens Falls 10, Pittsfield 2 sattashua 3, Reading 2 Slew Britain at Waterbury, .509 4 .492 54 .467 7 .458 7vi .407 10W 10 innings) power fail- "Todav'iC ermont at Albany Slens Falls at Pittsfield Seeding at Nashua Mew Britain et Waterbury, 2 Wednesday's Games Vermont at Albany Glens Falls at Pittsfield Reading at Nashua blew Britain at Waterbury "Today In Baseball Cinciflnati's Ewell Blackwell pitched a no-hit game against the Boston At Fenway Park, Dick Gemert's "Tfome run highlighted the 17-run, 14-hrt sav- inning as the Boston Red Sox beat the Detroit Tigers 23-3.
Gene Stephens collected oihree hits and Sammy White scored three in that big inning. Tom Umphlett also reached base three times in the inning. The New York Giants fired Bill Rigney and named Tom Sheehan as At 66 years, two months, and 18 days, 'beehan was the oldest man to debut as a manager or major-league loam. 1967 Don Wilson of the Houston Astros tjwed his first of two career no-hitters, by -blanking the Atlanta Braves 2-0. Wilson tsced 30 batters and struck out 15.
1975 Fred Lynn drove in 10 runs with three Boston Sox victory ever the Detroit Tigers. looeys EUrtnoey 's: Lou Brock 47. LOTTERY NUMBERS CONNECTICUT -BAILV NUMBER 121 -flAY FOUR T940 CONrrtCTrCvJT LOTTO 110-1B-19-2J40 "RHODE ISLAND LOT-0 IUCM 7-337-40 YORK WkiFour numbers drawn in other states: -VERMONT, MAINE, NEW HAMPSHIRE 5 and 1110 RHODE ISLAND 3110 MisCHUs'rrs 237 jtfW YORK 00B JEFF MILIAR BILL HINDS Mallove's Edges Superior Ford 2-1 Tim Haviland's single in the fifth inning scored Roberto Giansiracusa with the winning run as Mallove's edged Superior Ford 2-1 Tuesday night in a Greater Hartford Twilight League game at Eastern Connecticut State University in Wind-ham. Twilight League Mallove's (5-3) took a 1-0 lead in the fourth when Dave Darling singled home Mike MijeskL Superior (5-4) scored in the seventh inning when Stan Harris' base hit knocked in Phil Jenk-ins, who had singled. Harris had two hits.
Lefthander Ray Borsari went the distance, pitching a three-hitter for Mallove's. Moriarty 5, Imagineers 4: Mike Johnson belted a two-run homer to center field in the fourth inning as Moriarty beat the Imagineers at Bloomfield High School Jeff Johnson went 2-f or-J. Mike Morris smacked two hits for the Imagineers (4-4). Righthander Bill Aksimip (2-1) pitched a six-hitter for Moriarty (ft-S). M- II -il af THfe IteAJVr 1 IXWfcsy' 1 NKilA CWNI- 0 i.