Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)

Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Friday, 26, 194710 MISCELLANEOUS 30 30 40 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 40 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 9 HELP WANTED FEMALE Part time WAITRESS Apply In person CIRO'S 141 S. Hotel EXPERIENCED BEAUTY OPERATOR To Manage Shop FTJRN. APT. AVAILABLE PHONE 53122 33 FURNITURE FOR SALE Pacific Mattress Factory Specialists in upholstering, slip covers, custom-built furniture, rattan cushions and covers. Low prices Highest quality Tel.

75035 Pacific Mattress Factory MUTUAL MOTORS offers SEDANS COACHES COUPES CONVERTIBLES All Makes Models Keconditionad guaranteed in writing for 30 days ALWAYS A GOOD SELECTION OF MERCHANDISE CURRENTLY FRICED Low Down Payments Easy Monthly Payments SEE OUR FINE SELECTION BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR PURCHASE DAN'S LUMBER YARD and 1 FASI SUPPLY CO. Invites the general public to 101 Buildings on Sale at Moanalua Ridge Housing Area 24 Barracks 50 Quonset Huts, size 20x56', 40'xl 00' 300 Toilets 150 Basins Galvanized Pipe 2" Galvanized Pipe 4" Cast Iron Pipe 2" Cast Iron Pipe Lumber all sizes Plywood, Canec 16 Reefer Boxes, 625 cu. 125 cu. ft. DIRECTIONS: DRIVE TO ENTRANCE OF NEW NAVY-MARINE GOLF COURSE ON KAM HYWAY AND FOLLOW SIGNS, OR PROCEED TO CAMP CATLIN ENTRANCE, TURN LEFT, DRIVE PAST" DUST BOWL OFFICE LOCATED 1 MILE FROM DUST BOWL LOOK FOR SIGN.

ED KLEIN, GENERAL MANAGER TEL. 844295-66770-86162 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. MOANALUA SALES LTD. 216 Terminal Pier 11 MUTUAL MOTORS 1461 Kapioiani Blvd. Open Evenings 'Til 10:30 1940 Chrysler 4-pass $1,100 1939 Packard 7-pass 900 193S Packard 7-pass.

575 1937 Buick 7-pass. 750 All above cars are in good condition. PHONE 91093-95222 2096 KALAKAUA AVE. Hertz Associated Service Station 25 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MOVE IN BEFORE NEW YEAR PAUOA 2705 BOOTH RD. Large three bedroom house.

L-shaped living, dining improved concrete basem*nt with shower and toilet. Furnished. Garage, 7,065 sq. ft. $12,500 or offer.

MANOA 2928 KAAMALIO 1 block above Kahaloa (Woodlawn bus). VACANT, new 2-bedroom home recently painted inside and out. Outside shower. Garage, tool house, grill. 4,000 sq.

ft. landscaped grounds, fruit trees. $12,500. ST. LOUIS ABOVE 1639 ALENCASTRE VACANT just completed.

Marvelous view of town, Pearl Harbor, Waianae Range. New, modern, large 3-bedroom home with cornered windows. Combination living, dining rooms. Hardwood floors throughout, double-wall construction of redwood with sheetrock partitions (termite-proof walls), washroom, 2-car garage. 6,000 sq.

ft. 821,000. Terms. BENJAMIN F. KONG 3814 88580 FURNISHED ROOMS Rooms for Oriental boys.

725 Kicau. Ph. 542471 ark orMiy a moto, 2 SINGLE ROOM3. Men only. 1542 Ke- eaumoku 1 double and 1 single room for haole gentlemen.

waiKiau. Fh. 93995. Large room for 2 peopii -Private en- trance, rjl Klnau St. ROOM3 FOR RENT PH.

68746 PAWAA, 10X7 Alexander Bt. Rooms lor single men. Ph. 2141 or 9:809. Riverside Hotel, rooms for men only 137-A N.

Kukui St. Ph. 8363-66884. Vacancies for gentlemen In Makiki on busline. Ph.

84873. Room with cooking priv. for non-drinking working couple. Phone 54832. 15' ROOM AND BOARD Room and bo.rd for Oriental girl for companionship of 2 children, eves.

Ages 7 St 10.) Very light housework. apanese preferred. Phone 93290 BOARD St ROOM FOR MEN. 1071 Green St. T.

65800. Room St board for one in pri. home. Ph. 848942.

ask for Elaine. 17 FURNISHED HOUSES VACATION COTTAGE Everything Furnished For Rent by Week. Night or Dar. VACANT NOW I Across from Maile's beautiful beach, this cottage is completely furnished. Has hot and eold water.

No kitchen, restaurant nearby. To make reservationa PHONE 69393 22 STORES, OFFICES, GARAGES Office space for rent in the heart ot Kaimuki. directly across from the Kaimuki playground. Rental very rea-sonable. Ph.

904972. Mrs. Willi ims Store, office and warehouse space for rent. 600 sq. ft.

$125 per mo. Just completed. Near Varsity Theater. Ph. 957905.

FOR RENT Oflice space Fort at King. Desks, phone. Suitable for Tax Con- suitant. Telephone 6o529, Must move. Wanted store space, preferably In downtown area.

Bagley's inurcn supplies. Phone 53808. Cpstairs. waterfront offices near Aloha lower. S35 up.

Fnone 59988. Business or office room fnr rent at 1088 So. Beretania. Call 76353 after 6 pm. Store room wanted in vicinity of Wai- aixi.

rn. min. you ng. Work shop, studio or office for rent. Rear 1303 So.

Beretania St. 25 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE (R) OFF LILIHA STREET New 3-bedroom home plus screen porch. Separate garage with laundry room, 5,308 ft. lot, land court title. Owner will sell at below cost, as la, lor only $15,000 cash.

J. B. MUSSER, Realtor Phone 57316 239 Merchant St. Kalanianaole ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? Real Bargain $8,800 Cash Attractive 3-bedroom home, laundry room, large living room, lanai. hot house, patio and garage.

Completely furnished with all new Hotpoint appliances. Level i acre lot well -landscaped with flowers and fruit plants overlooking proposed Koko Head park and Diamond Head with most beautiful view on main highway. Bishop Estate leasehold. Ground rent onlv $15 00 per vr. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Owner leaving for other island.

Must sell. Phone 72169 NEAR TOWN LIGHT ROOMY 5 -BED ROOM PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE. NEAR BUS LINE St STORE. ON 50x100 AT 2639 WAO-LANI AVE. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE- PHONE 69490 FOR SALE Two half-acre lots on main highway to Volcano.

14 miles. Price $1800 each Write to: Philip S. Carvalho Mt. View, Hawaii FOR SALE WAHIAWA 1 3-Bdrm. Furn.

Home Reasonable Price Cash or Terms See at 1331-C Loko Wrahiawa Immediate Occupancy PALOLO SPECIAL per sj. ft. buys this fine I bldg. lot- Cver 7,400 aq. It.

$4,250. E. C. DUNCAN PH. 92558 or 92718 Exchange Real Estate Ocean frontage, fianta Barbara, highly restricted, for Waikiki property.

PHONE 91100 ROOM NO. 104 FOR SALE: KAIMUKI 3371 Kaimuki Ave. 9.000 sq. ft. 4 -bed room house, large living room and dining room, plus small cottage.

Basem*nt. Inquire at above address. Ph. 734113, VIEW LOTS DOW SETT HIGHLAND Also Kalihi Valley, Kaneohe. Ph.

88458. DAMON TRACT FOP. SALE: acre lease lot. 407 Road, Damon Tract aft. 5 p.m.

KAILUA 2-bdrm. house como. furn. Workshop It convertible. $14,000.

Ph. Kaikia 8354. KANEOHE 2-bedroom cottage and lot. Partially furnished. Additional building up.

Ideal place to raise vegetables, flowers and poultry. Perfect 4-way view on heights. 20 min. ride to town. 22.038 sq.

ft. 60c per sq. ft. Ph, S-W-596 for Info. LANJKAI SACRIFICING LANIKAI VIEW LOT 36.000 q.

ft. at 10c per sq. ft. Ph. 8086 days; 736374 eves.

MAKIKI COTTAGE Close to Bus Line Stores and Schools. Nice Quiet District. Partly furnished Reasonably Ph. 53786J for appointment. WAIKIKI House for sale.

Must be moved. Best offer takes. Information at 209 Kaiulanl or 3365 Kaau. Phone 75028. 27 REAL ESTATE WANTED 'WANTED TO HELP A FAMILY THAT is not too small THAT appreciates a fine home THAT does not have the $10,000 necessary to make the down-payment THAT expects to make their home in Hawaii.

Walter H. Dillingham 66453 For Friendly Service Consult our specialists In matter of REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL INSURANCE. FIRE A CASUALTY INVESTMENT SECURITIES A. D. Castro Co.

Ltd. B24 Bethel Bt. Phone 8341 CASH BUYERS are waiter at Richard' office RICHARD S. IMADA Realtor Walter Wonr salesmen Harry TJetake 803 Maunakea St. Dial 59431 Lawrence Lock 9s6J A.

H. SHUTTLEWOOD REALTOR 832 Fort St. Ph. 2423. ve.





ISLAND LUMBER HARDWARE CO. 2E75 S. KING ET. PHON3 S1477 Toilets Sinks Basins Laundry Trays PARADISE SALES CO. 924 Walakamilo Rd.

Ph. 88153 Underwood Stand. Typewriter L. C. Smith Stand.

Typewriter Royal Stand. Typewriter Monroe Calculator Underwood Portable T. W. Recond. Guaranteed 21 S.

King St. Ph. 58662 Sale Used Lumber, Cheap 1x2 up to 1x12, 2x3 up to 2x12 timber up to 10x10; also 2x4x13 redwoods. Laundry trays, below Vi price. Pip fittings, water tanks (steel), damaged medicine cabinets, 11.50 each.

Many other bargains. We also make fence picket to order. AJIRI LUMBER SUPPLY CO. 4317 Ape Place, off Oil! Rd. Phone 75692 TREE FERN STUMPS All Sizes.

Any Quantity. Fibre In Bags. Also Planting Stumps Lowest Price Quoted Write to: PHILIP S. CARVALHO Mt. View, Hawaii HOLIDAY SALES FROM 9 a.m.-12 midnight Dec.

24-Jan. 5 ALA WAI GROCERY STORE NEW LUGGAGE 20 Discount 26" Pullmans 21" Overnight 20" Leather Bags Brief Cases Assortment 2-Suiters Dress Trunks Jack L. Henderson 1450 Fort St. above Vineyard FOR RENT CATERPILLAR (AU BULLDOZERS LOADER GRADER ROLLER Okada Trucking Co. Ph.

92268 or 904115 2065 S. King St. Electric skilsaws. sizes Electric beit senders, sizes All in stock for immediate delivery. Also disc senders and electric hedge trimmers.

Aaia. Appliances, 1016 Asia St. Phor.e 58492 1946 Ford tudor iedan. Black with red wheels, excellent condition, low mileage. Will accept best offer up to Dec.

24. Days 1296 Blvd. Eves, and 3305 E. Manoa P.df FOR SALE JUKE BOXES: 5 Wurhtzer' 24 Records. May be seen at 659 So.

Beretania. Make oifer to P. O. Box 1415 or Ph. 542255 mornings.

Sell or trade: fca camera. 31x414 Zeiss Tessar. 4.5 lens. Compur shutter. leather carrying case and access.

Want Super Ikonta B. Ph. Aiea. White. 6237.

AUTO TOPS. SEAT COVERS JAY'S AUTO TOP SHOP 561 S. Beretania (On the Hawaii Auto Sales lot) 30 MISCELLANEOUS GE Battery Chargers Charges one to twelve 6V batteries. Brand new, complete with bulb. Very reasonable to close out.

Call 57911 Local 20 WHEN ORDERING TOP SOIL OR FILL SOIL CALL JOE YOSHIDA Black white sand, crush reck coral, bulldozer. yard shovel service is truck rental. Phone 58764 RADIO TRANSCEIVERS BRAND NEW 6 VOLT TRANSCEIVERS suitable for light personal aircraft, complete, ready to install, reasonable. PHONE 68999 BLACK TOPSOIL BULLDOZER TRACTOR, LOADER tOU P.liit, Lot Riling By yaidage or contract Free Estimates B3SHINUMA TRACTOR SERVICS Fh. 63788-MB582 Henry Used Building Materials For At DAN'S LUMBER YARD 474 RD DAMON OPEN DAILY 7:30 A.M.

to 6 P.M. i PHONE 8i42; FOR RENT Portable air compressor buster. Portable water pump. Portable concrete mixer. Portable concrete buggy.

Portable welding maemne. T. KAWAUCHT Phone 86924; Res. 847684 LUMBER FOR SALE Used building materials and plumbing fixtures of all kinds. 492 Damon Tract Phone 87475 Tree fern pots, tree ffrn moss, taro peel, tree fern trunks.

Vanda Joaquin cuttings. Orchid corsages shipped any- Steam Boiler Orr fc Sembower Scotch. 20 h.p., 125 W.P.S., comp. with ail parts ir.cl. large hot water tank and smokestack.

Phone 85253. TOP SOIL FILLING Immediate Delivery Phone 92156 7x50 binoculars, 1 Underwood typewriter, 1 Weston model 78S anaKser, Hickok tube tester. Call 902762 after weekdays. Non-rust, easy to clean, alum. wood Venetian blinds.

Quick del. Free est. 53294. OAHU ENETI AN BLIND. Used watches, diamond ring sets, cameras, radios.

173 N. Beretania. DIAMOND PAWN SHOP is" THICK MASONITE Call 59033 or 88337 Eves. 97323. Brand new barber equipment, also new beauty equipment for sale.

Ph, 716345: alter 5 p.m. can 73.232. 2 new wooden filing cabinets. $55; com bination safe burglar proof, 14U $75. Ph.

2278 or 79666; Delta 10 in. saw 6 in jointer. Combination unit. Best offer. Ph.

86824, ask for Charlie. New jointer, cable saw and band saw. Separate stands it motors. Ph. Kailua 309L K-20 Aerial camera w.

case. $95. GURREY CAMERAS. 816 Fort. Ph.

57319 1S46 Piper super cruiser. $2,750 or offer. Phone 866133. CATTLEYAS, all sizes, for tale. Over-crowded.

Ph. 79410 after 5. Showcase and safe with other misc. fixtures. Ph.

days; 736374 eves. 2 wheeled man bicycle lor sale. Brand new. $40. Ph.

71 6472; 1 L. C. Smith dble. barrel shot gun. Brand new, $80.

Phone 401184. Solar 120 enlargcr, almost new, $55. Phone 98319 between 8 and 6. 1 MOTOR GLIDE SCOOTER J1C0. Ph.

78972 Underwood typewriter. New condition. Reasonable. 503 19th Waterproof kiddie-koop 239 Koalele. Ph.

540852. '47 POWELL SCOOTER, 847503 AFTER 4 P.M. $250. PHONE CARVALHO BULLDOZER SERVICE PHONE 848335 30-A SEWING MACHINES Sewing Machines REPAIRED CABINETS REFINISHED Our experts will rebuild your machine and cauinet like new. Anywhere on Oahu Free inspection and estimate.

White Sewing Machine PHONE 6299 Temporary office and salesroom 815 Waima-nu St. SINGER SEWING MACHINES Repaired by Singer Expert. Only GENUINE SINGER PARTS used. Reasonable charges based on advance estimate. Teimited cabinets replaced.

PHONES 2110 2174 Singer Sewing Center 1277 South Beretania PHONE 3616 New Sewing Mach. Motors TFRMITEn CABTNETS REPLACED FREE ESTIMATE ON REPAIRING SEWING MACHINE SERVICE 780 So. Beretania Sewing machine, Singer portable elec, $115; 4 cu. ft. Fneidaire, $135.

Fhone -wiaiter 5 p.m Singer Sew. mach. treadle. Good cond. P.ent $4 per month.

Ph. 65651. 31 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS GRANDE, Uprights, Rccondi tioned and guaranteed. JACKSON'S 2123 Kalakana. Open eve, til 8 p.m.

Complete repair service for every musical instrument. Harry Lai's Musical Repair Service. 564-A Dillingham Blvd! Martin tenor sax. gold lacquer, excellent condition. Ph.

90993, ask for Mr. Large G. E. radio phono, combination, automatic record changer, $100. Ph.

69293. Piano 67 in. Brand, mahogany. Ph. Kailua 49S1 eves.

like new, $795. Piano repairing and tuning. Jackson's. Ph. 91386 or 91455.

Conn Alto Sax. Gold lacquered. Cheap. Phone "60. Large Phileo combination console, sonable.

Phone 68t45. Rea- 32 HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES New GE Self charging portable radio. New GE Table radio-phono, comb. New GE Table radio with alarm clock. New GE mixer set.

eiec. iron. elec. clock, coffee maker heating pads. New Estate gas range, Kerosene range.

Gas water heater. Large size 1948 calandar will be given to each customer. SCHOOL ST. SERVICE STATION 1339 N. School S'.

Ph. 86924: Res. 47634 WHITEHEAD ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS 32 and 42 gallon capactt-LEONARD ELECTRIC RANGES AND HOME FREEZERS slight shipping damage only, all new and fully guaranteed at special bargain prices. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS. LTD.

1216 Kapiolanl Blvd. Phone 5883 A small number of new 7 cu. ft. Kl-vmator refrigerators are now available for immediate delivery. Motor Supply, 1257 Kapioiani GE ranges, wash, water heaters, home freezers, etc.

Terms. Elec. Supply Ltd. Phone 661S9. Thor wrincer type washirg machine.

Practically new. Reasonable. Leaving, Call at- 2452-B St, Norge electric range, deep co*cker, oven, 4 burners, like new $225. Phone P. H.

64124 Smart. Universal gas range. S100; Servel gas 7 cy, wrirger wash-lng machine. $25. Phone 873335.

Gas stove bought in '45. 4 burners, oven, broiler, excel, cond. $75. Ph. 94317 eves.

Universal late model gas stove water heater. $85. Phone 63762. LAUNDERALL. $275, or best offer.

Excel, cond. Ph. 670361. NORGE WASHING MACHINE, $35. 1338 S.

Eeretania. EENDIX WASHER GOOD CONDITION. PHONE 75923. Universal Eton four burner gas stove, one year old: gooa cona. Fh.

5408ai 4-bumer gas range St new Westinghoue vacuum cieaner. Best effer. Ph. 766881. 9 -cu.

ft. Westlnghouse refrigerator $225. Fort Shatter, Ph. 15188. 33 FURNITURE FOR SALt CASH For your furniture and appliances.

We buy ar.d sell new and second hand furniture. Phone 89238 or 611 No. King. 2 pc. overstuffed 1 rocker, 1 break fast set.

gas stove. IMS sth Ave. net. 9 a m. to 2:30 m.

Sat. 1 dble. bed w. inner srr. $40; 1 table it 4 chairs.

$20; 1 samurai sword. (75. Phone 845001. 40 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Phone 93390 40 AUTOMOSILES FOR SALE CHRYSLER 1942 CONVERTIBLE CHRYSLER BEST OFFER to 4 phone 8531 ext. 18177 Eves, phone Wah.

711 ext. 3160 Can be seen Qrtrs. ONE, Area Schofieid Barracks. 1941 ChryEler 4-dr. sedan.

Very clean throughout, new seat covers, good tires, excellent condition. Best offer. Phone 86201. I2C2 Palama St. after 5 m.

'46 Chrysler Saratoga, 4-dr. sedan. New, trade accented. Call S4877. DE SOTO 1939 DeSOTO SEDAN Full price $995 Shepard Motors 2841 Pearl Harbor Rd.

Phone 84018 '42 DeSoto custom 4-dr. sedan. A-l shape, $1,795. See at 675 Dillingham Blvd. DODGE 1946 DODGE CUSTOM CLUB COUPE Radio, spotlight and many extras.

$2,695 Shepard Motors 2841 Pearl Harbor Rd. Phone 84 0 1 8 '42 C. and R. Dodge, superior condition. Owner leaving.

Call Schofieid 24106, between 8 5 P.M. '46 DODGE SEDAN. $2,775 Phone 4018 '42 Dodge 4-dr. sedan. Mech.

reconditioned. $1,400. 59427 54877 eves. '47 Dodge 4-dr. sedan.

Fluid drive and radio. 8.000 $2.650. Ph. 7852S. '47 Dodge 4 dr.

sedan, radio, heater. Seat covers. 6,000 ml. Highest bid over $2.. 900 cash.

5 to 7 p.m. CHA-3 BQ 45, room 330 or Prn 59028 for appt. 1936 Dodge 2 -dr. sedan. Oood condition, original owner.

Phone 94981. FORD 1946 FORD CLUB CONVERTIBLE Radio and extras. $2,395 full price. Shepard Motors 2841 Pearl Harbor Rd. Phone 84018 '35 Ford deluxe coupe.

Lots of extra chrome. 5 brand new tires, beautiful pearl gray lacq. 1st $525 takes it. 1393-E Lin apuna St. Phone 847002.

'47 Ford station wagon, practically new. Driven only 1.000 mi. Will accent reas. offer or trade with older model. See at-675 DIHingham Blvd.

'47 Ford conv. cre. Radio, heater, etc. Driven only 4.000 mi. sell $200 below market price.

See at 675 Diiling- ham Blvd. '46 Ford 2 dr. sedan. 12.500 mi. Radio, spotlight.

Best offer. Ph. 3283 after 3:30. Ask tor Sawyer. Hopped-up Model A Ford, '31 roadster.

Best cifer. Ph. 53170 Xrom 8 to 4, or 7974S eves. 1935 Ford coupe. Motor in very good condition.

$350. Phone 92472. '40 FORD V-8 BUSINESS COUPE. Phone 2612 8 to 4. '38 Ford station wagon.

Good cond. $850 or best oifer. 1705 PalOiO Ave. '31 MODEL A FORD See 614 N. King '34 V-8 roadter.

227a or Good condition. Phone JEEPS Custom Built TELEPHONE EQUIPPED That green custom built Jeep you've seen around town is for sale new top St paint job. Plus mobile telephone goes with It. It's perfect. $1,300 or best oiler.

Phone 908394 '41 and '43 Willys St Fords. Reasonable. 59427 54877 eves. '47 Willys jeep staton wagon. Call 4711 ext 63141.

pnotoi ab, fcgt, Armonia '45 Willys jeep, with radio. A-l cond. Make offer. Ph. 41985 bet.

1 m. LINCOLN ZEPHYR '40 Lincoln Zephyr 4 door sedan excellent condition. Will sell before January 1st for $1,800 or best oiler. Call P. H.

65192 after 4:30 p. m. '40 Lincoln Zephyr 4-dr. sedan. Radio, good rubber.

750 McCully St. MERCURY 1940 Mercury Sedan Coupe with '47 motor. Like new. Good finish. 2 new tires, others good.

Radio St heater. Best cash offer over $1600 received up to Dec. 24th takes It. Fh. 83826 for appt.

'41 Mercury convertible. New top, new motor with highlift cams and dual carburetors. Good tires and paint. $1,850. May be seen at 820 S.

Beretania or ph. 2331 anytime from 8-4 p. m. '41 Mercury business coupe. 4 good tires.

Excel, cond. $1,425 or best offer. 1317 Liliha St. by New Eataan Inn. NASH '47 Nash 4-dr.

sedan. Radio. $2.250. 637 16th St. CHA-3.

Low mi. 1942 NASH. BEST OFFER. FHONE 76057. OLDSMOBILE 1940 Oldsmobiie club ccupe.

98 series. Car has been recently overhauled. New paint. $1,450. Car can be seen at 1660 Kalakaua.

Phone 924 ,2. 1946 Oldsmobiie, hydramatic sedanette, with radio. $2,500. Phor.e 59355 loc. 2 between 8 or 852045 eves.

'42 Olds. Sedan Brand new hydramatic. Perfect condition. $1,975. Phone bus.

581 49j Res .974 1 1 '38 Olds, deluxe coupe. Radio, clean, good condition. Must be sen to ap-preciate. Phone Schofleld 3 150. '41 Olds.

4-dr. sdn. New paint, radio, good rubber. .1,650. Phone 83736.

1941 Oldsmobiie, Hydrama'ie. Good condition io. 1746 S. Kin '37 OLDSMOBILE 4 DR. SEDAN, $725.

PHONE S7829. '37 Business Cpe. Olds. $1,050. Can be seen at 2408-E Tusitala.

Ph. 96382. PACKARD 1942 Packard conv. club cpe. with radio for ale.

Motor recently overhauled. 5 good tires. 638-E Austin Lane. Ph. 86266.

'42 Packard Clipper sedan. Radio, leather upholstery, (1,795. See at 675 Dil- Lngham Blvd. '41 Packard conv. cpe.

Good new top, new pamt, good tires. Ph. 8707 or 89896 eves. 1941 Packard convertible. Privately owned.

Excellent condition. Ph. 93921 after 5 p.m. meek days. 1941 Packard 160 sedan, mileage 29.

COO, new paint, 4 new tires, excellent con-dition. Phor.e 98305. 1947 Packard deluxe clipper. Radio, heater. Excellent condition.

Low mileage. 640 California Ave. Phor.e 8435 Late 1947 super clipper custom sedan. Rovml blue finish, blue leather upholstery. Cone 8,300 milei.

Fa. 2361. PACKARD 1335 Packard sedan, good cond. TTV. Ph.


PH. 84086.. 1259 N. KINO. Packard "6" 4-r.

sedan, $1,350 or best 35 So. Kuakinl. PLYMOUTH Plymouth, 13:4 Bui.r.eiS Coupe. Vtw paint, new battery, good engine. For Xmas give yourself good Pn.

Aiea 63931. '47 Plymouth conv. cpe red. black top. Driven only 700 mi.

Will accept reas. of te r.67 SDK 1 In ham Ivd 1947 Plymouth 4-dr. sedan, like new. radio, heater, good tires. $2,585 or best i offer.

172 lar.l '38 Piy. 5-pass. "cpe. Excel cond. Radio.

$395. Cas or crms. hJ24 72. "35 Ply. 4-dr.

sedan. Running condition. Everything lair. Phone 79322; '46 Plvmouth 4-dr. sedan.

A-l condition, $2.395. See st 675 Diiingham '42 Piy. club coime Very "good cond. Best offer. Ph.

537SS3. Plymouth convertible. Late '40 model. Ergme recentlv overhauled, radio. or ofier.

Ph. 8C4135 between 3 iz 6 m. To Plymouth 4 dr. sedan. Radio.

Good cond. Reasonable. Phone 753734 or 3128 Hinar.o St. FIERCE-ARROW 1S35 Pierce Arrow. JfOO, Good cond'tion.

Can be seen at 1680 Kalakaua. Phono S2472. PONTIAC 1942 Pontiac Sedan Perfect Condition Excellent buy at 1,750 Ph. 73356 day Ph. 65451 Eves.

'47 Pontiac business coupe, radio; 6 mos. old. Private owner. $2,375 Se- at Associated Service Station. 209S Kala-fcaua.

1341 Por.tisc sedanet'e. This car is very clean throughout. With radio. $1,495. Can be at 1680 Kalakaua Ave.

or phone 92472. '47 Pontiac '6" 4-dr. sedin. Torpedo type with radio. Phone T27365.

New 1947 Pontiac 4-door eed. Price $2,850. Call 77009 aft. 5 pm. TRUCKS 1939 G.M.C Pickup Truck $950 PERFECT CONDITION Call 89107 1943 Internp.tiona! 1 ton stake bedy, mo.

tor 6c body Only 38.000 mi. $351 bargain. Ph. 66712. Joe after 5:30.

'37 Chev. i ton pickup. Ph. 849345 of 716772. 41 AUTOMOEILES FOR RENT ALL CARS ARE 1947-'46 U-DRIVE NEW CONVERTIBLES Hickam Pearl Harbor Branch Ail cars insured for admittance both areas free delivery.

OPPOSITE HICKAM GATE WAIKIKI MOTORS Kalakaua tt Kuhlo Phone S0955 '47 CARS Wide color selection in CONVERTIBLES Olds 98 Custom Cruisers Pontiacs sixes and eighta Chevrolet Lincoln Fords Etudebsker AU radio equipped ELLIOT AUTOS U-DRIVE We deliver Open 54 hrs. 7 a week 931 Kapiolanl Blvd. Ph. 66011 TAYXOR'S U-DRIVE Established 1938 Day. week, month.

Low rates. 2160 Kalakaua Ave. Phone 93434 U-Drive Cars By mile. dav. week cr monut.

GENERAL CAB Phone 66839 If no answer call Cor. Gueen St Richards at Melim Service Station! CITY U-DRIVE SERVICE 1810 So. Beretania ft. Ph. P17G5 FAIR PRICE USED CARS 647 Kapioiani Boulevard 100 feet from KG'J toward Waikikl Phone 2506 THE NEWEST TEE CLEANEST.

Open a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday uotU coon. Depot U-Drive. Special rates $8 and tlfT for 12 hrs.

50 ml. free. 15c per mi. thereafter. Less by the week or month.

All late model cars with radios. Depot Service Station Open until 1 a m. Dall Phone 25fl9 337 North Kin Ft. Branch Bishop Parking Lot opposit Young Hotel. 1942 PLYM.

CON. COUPE By dsty or weelc. Low Taes. No mileage limit. Ph.

3114 for Tommy beforo 4:30 p.m. or apply 3198 Waiaiae Ave. U-DRIVE JEEPS LLEWELLYN -DRIVE 1R86 Kalakaua 94139 2 tracks. 2' ton cargo, 1 ton flatbed for rent. 15 per day.

Ph. 54S234 eves. 42 AUTO ACCESSORIES AUTO TOPS SEAT COVERS" Cushion Repair 613 So. Hotel Phone 53316 GEORGE'S AUTO TOP SHOP Csed parts, tires, accessories for tnill-tary St civilian trucks. Corner ot Gulick Av.

it Wilcox Rd. 43 AUTOMOBILES WANTED USED CARS EXCLUSIVELY Written Appraisals Cash Immediately Buy and Sell Where Yon Get SERVICE Drive ln today or call 3100 FEDERAL MOTORS Eanlolanl at Ward St. SELL YOUR CAR to JACKSON for you still can get more cash from JACKSON'SmUSED CAR LOT 1470 Kapioiani Blvd. Phone 96717 New it Csed Parts tor Ail Makes ot Cars HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR AUTO WRECKS Goo's Golden Tire Shop 20U8 Repuftiican St Ph. t5C13-8350f BEST CASH FOR YOUR CAR Palama Auto Co.

1138 No. Eirg EL Phot! 8013 Will pay cah for all mekes of Cirs. Ph. 2930. Ker.ry Dar.g.

1276 Smith St. Wanted to rer.t A staaon wagon, phono 78264 a.m. before 8 m. at ter 7. JEEP with 4-wbeel drive.

Around $i00. Fhone 907043. 44 MOTORCYCLES Transportation to ar.d from work ride Powell 7 scooter. Reutfcer' Puts- Putt Sales. 2317N.

Kmg.87507. 1947 HARLEY DAVIDSON "74" OHY. PHONE 93675. 1340 Powell pu't-putt in good condition. Reasonable.

Phone 7:523. 45 AUTOMOTIVE FIRST LIN'E MOHAWK TTE3 TCEE3 ALL SIZES New tires: List price Eaie pnoa 6.00-16 4 ply $17.26 S12.54 LARGEST STOCK OF JEEP PARTS IN HAWAII MUFFLER $2.95 Ship to Outside Islands Parcel Port. C.O.D. PACIFIC MOTORS. LTD.

Ph. 3773 Shock Absorber Repairs All t-rpes of Delco. Lovejoy. Monro, etc. Front rear shocks for all makes of ears.

Also '34 to '38 Cher. kne actions. 1633 Mahaia Way, Fh. 766504. 8 piece living room set, $125; 7 piece dining room set, $100; double bed with springs it innerspring mattress, chest of drawers, vanity and bench, $100; 2 single couches.

3 new cotton mattresses. 2 chest of drawers, $75: kitchen table and 3 chairs. $15; enamel work table, $15; desk. $35; 2 floor lamps, $20. 1 lot or separate.

Phor.e 873335. room set. overstuffed lover's seat, 2 cverstulied chairs from Grossman-Moody, 5 pes. bdrm. set complete with lrrge vanity mirror, box springs mattress.

5 pes. enamel dinette set, siithtlv used. Best ofi'er. Phone 79093. 1139 Ave.


Fhi'co console comb 6 chair Jr. din. rm. youth bed, breakfast set with nested benches, all blond finish. 6m.

chest. Apex washer, 2 pi, drapes. Phone 401015. FURNITURE FOR RENT. Applv 3228 Harding Ave, nr.

5th. Ph. 7417 Eotpoint elec. apt. sire: sm.

library table. Ph. 78595, G. Jakins. 34 EOATS AND SUPPLIES 3 SAMPANS FOR SALE No.

1 68 "SHIMMEI MARU" with 120 p. Atlas diesel engine complete with a 35 basket ahl line equipment. No. 2 55' "GONGEN MARU" with 50 h.p. Atlas diesel engine and a 30 basket line.

No. 3 42' "TENJIN MARU" with 35 p. Kermath gas engine and a 20 basket line. Warren M. Haynes 333 Ward Avenue Office Ph.

54594 Res. Ph. 9636S Cruising ketch in immaculate cond. The housewife who would not live on a boat has not seen the "NOMAD AU the room and facilities of a modern 3-bedroom home. Her diesel and sail will take her where you desire.

CHILD'S MA-RINE, LTD. Phone 95391. RADIO MARINE TELEPHONES. Ballett filtered ignition shielding. Bendix depth recorder.

Phone 1271. local 11. Dally I to 4. 14 ft. boat with new 51.

HP. motor. All for $350. Write Mr. Giano, Ewa, General Delivery Several Murakami trolling poles.

Phone 69359. P.T. boat for sale. Good cond, repianked hull, $1.000. Ph.

3985. 55 ft. sampan, ready to go. Bargain at $4 500. Ph.


Phone 98343 or 53203. 37 LIVESTOCK POULTRY Santa Clara Thorobred Chicks Build Profits! Seven popular breeds of profit-building Santa Clara Thorobred Chicks are hatched every week in the year. Dally overn'ght air shipments to the Islands. WRITE TODAY for FREE catalog, availabilities, and new low prices. Santa Clara Hatchery 393 Lincoln San Jose.

Calif. Pigeons for sale. 100 pairs blue and silver kings. NPA seamless banded (1947). Bred from exhibition- stock.

S6 a pair. Write to Mr. E. P. Wilson, 2737 South Earle Street.

San Gabriel, Calif. For meat or egg production, we carry the best strain of chicks. Started 3 days old chicks avail, for immed. delivery. Price reas.

Ph. 894S2. Damon Tract. AS ACTI HATCHERY, 3311 NimltZ Hwy. New Oakes Electric Battery Brooders.

Most economical brooder to operate. Holds 750 chicks lor one week. Also repair parts. Can deliver immediately. ASAGI HATCHERY.

Phone 89482. Luku pigs, turkeys. Can be seen Ferreria'a Poultry Farm, Haiku Rd. Kaneohe. Ph.

5W973. Healthy babv chicks, Peking ducklings, turkey poults. Ph, 77608. 3228 Herbert St. PIGS Will arrange roasting Chinese st vie also 1 Hamp.

breeding boar. Ph. Kaneohe -B-5fi7. RED FRYERS. 750 lb.

5T3 Airport Damon Tract. Ph. 88409. Young roasters. Live weight, dressed, drawn.

Reasonable. Phone 72192. Ducks and Iryers lor sale. Cheap. Phone 736682 or 4518-A FarmersRd 3 RABI31T HUTCHES! BEST OFFER.

PHONE 873335. 24 LAYING HENS FOR SALE. PH. 78392. Luau pig from suckling to 200 lbs.

pigs. Call Kaneohe 7B561 or Honolulu 753635 38 PET STOCK IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Rare and exotic birds such as Meally Roselle Parakeets, African Ring Neck Parakeets and others. Warbler Canaries $8. Lovebird Parakeets $3.50 a pair. Special prices on German Roller Canaries, Talking Parrots and Finches.

Christmas Stockings for your does and cats. IDEAL PET SHOP 1221 Alapai Open eves, till m. The ideal Christmas gift for kiddies or oldsters alike beautiful AKC Corker pups from champion stock. 1341 Mo-koiea Dr. Lanikai.

Ph. Kailua 2925. Imported Pedigreed Roller Canaries. Show blood lines. IDEAL PET SHOP 1221 Alapai open eves, till 8 in.

Reservations taken for Boxer pups ready for-delivery January. Sired bv Hawaii's outstanding Boxer, BLADAN'S ANZAC. See at 2317 Date St. GERMAN DACHSHUNDS PUPS. "GOOD STUFF." Twin Seas Kennels.

Ph. 2793 or 65360 or 57C482. 1106 Clio Street (Ee'ow Roosevelt School). German Shepherd Pups Prices reas. Rear 1421-F Elm St.

off Sheridan. for Sato. TROPICAL FISH PRODUCER, all varieties. Fish food, love birds German roller canaries. 77003 3747 Mahlna Healtny baby chicks.

Pekin ducklings, turkey poults. FAIRVIEW HATCHERY. 3228 Herbert St. Ph. 776C3.

For sale: 2 month oli pure bred Irish setter puppies. Treated for worms. Ph. 73556. Riverbank Kennels.

Irish Setter St co*cker pup: lovely Xmas gifts. Fh. 78595, 75cs0 Kaianiansole Hi-vay. Will board your dog by day or month. Ph.

78635. Roller canaries for sale. Males $10. fe- males $5. Ail colors.

554 11th Ave. Dachshund A C. Black St Tan 6c Red Fhone 716072. GERMAN ROLLER Csnarie for sale. $5 up.

Rear St. off Sheridan. WE BUY canary birds, love birds and puppies. KAW.AHARA CO. Tel.

2538. Male pure bred smooth fox terrier pup- pies. 7 weeks old. 2721 Huapala St. Pups for saie.

Lovely gift. $12.50. Phone 961513. ENGLISH BULL DOG PUPPIES PHONE 77070 AKC blonde co*ckers, champion slock, mos. old.

Phone 65651. 2 FRENCH BULLDOGS, male St female. Phone 8C3521. AKC SCOTTISH TERRIERS. 3 MO.


40 AUTOMOSILES FOR SALE SAVE MONEY DEAL AT Toki's Used Car Co. 675 DILLINGHAM Christmas Special Ford model A roadster $250 1939 Btudebaker coupe $550 Ffcon Kailua 7171 Full Time Experienced Salad Girl Good salary for right person. Apply in person. GAM'S KITCHEN 2571 Kalakaua, ask for Mr. Gamage.


APPLY IN PERSON 4346 WAIALAE AVE. Experienced Waitresses Oriental Preferred. Apply la Person SIERRA CAFE 3574 Waialae Ave. WAITRESSES 1 Night Shift I Day Shift JAPANESE PREFERRED RICK'S CAFE 1033 KAPIOLAM Wanted. Full time Japanese second maid for care of children and help with housework.

Live in. Phone 7926B. Pari time Japanese girl as waitress St general helper. 7 to 11 p.m. 1236 Keeaumoku St.

behind Palace Theatre. C.nl 1 nMttrtarc (ft. mailt must like children. Cccd salary. Ph.

39930. 8 to 4. or Z4ci eve; full time private room with bath, salary. Little cooking, Chinese family. 2 adults.

14 mo. old baby. Ph. 58305. Waitresses, fountain girls, day and night shifts.

Japanese preferred. Apply In person. 116 N. Beretaaia St. General housework and laundrv.

Live in. Ford Island. Ph. 4711 ext. 8513.

Kahala Full or part time single maid to live In. Ph. 78256. Zxp. cook-maid.

Full time. Kahala. Live In. Ph. 78403.

Waitress Wanted. Night Shift. THE RICKS. 1033 Kapioiani BARBER GIRLS WANTED PH. 98651 or 97117 NANCY Wanted part time Japanese maid with cooking experience.

Phone 78723. FULL TIME JAPANESE MAID, OVER 20. PHONE 92538. Makiki. Maid for general housework for 2 adults.

Phone 2546. Full or part-time maid wanted. Live In. Phone 78685. Makiki St.

maid $50. Board and private outside room. Ph. 92748 after 4:30 p.m. Experienced woman to clean rooms In Waikikl hotel.

$5.50 daily. Ph. 1100J 10 MALE AND FEMALE HELP EXPERIENCED PRESSER Nu-Way Cleaners 91T EAUSTEN ST. PH. 9180 Wanted Experienced Saleswomen AND 1 JANITOR ATPLY IN PERSON ALAKEA DRUG KINO AND ALAKEA Silk Wool Pressers MUST BE EXPERIENCED Top Pay In Town for Good Workers 48 HOUR WEEK APPLY Pacific Dry Cleaning 832 Chapln Bt.

Ta rear of 830 Kapiolanl Blvd. business of your own with no Investment. Earn $2 to $5 per hour, showing quality real ailk merchandise. Apply personally at room 302 Bishop Trust Bldg. Interview bet.

8 te 9 m. Permanent position. Average earning over $100 weekly. Rm. 415.

Mer. Mart bid. 12 WANTED TO RENT ATTENTION Court or Apt. Owners en. utility man.

painter, carpenter ere. would exchange some work each week to reas. rent for 1 or 2 bdrm. unfurn. house or apt.

In dry dlst. Steady emp. Perm, haole man, wife to 19 yr. daughter. Very quiet, no drinking.

Best ref. Ph. 576125 Engineer with Kamaaina Firm with 3 grown sons, desire 3 bedroom, unfurnished house or apartment. Arriving from mainland on January 12. Please Call Mrs.

Palmer 67316 WEEKDAYS moa. rent advance for 1 or 2 bdrm. hse. unfurn. Waikiki, Kapahulu or McCully.

Local profess. Terr, employee. lonservauve. cans rei. g-n.

jiaj. Loving care given attractive 2-bedroom house or apt. up to $200 monthly. Call Mrs. Peterson, Coloinial Hotel.

3034. Kavy officer, wife w3 children home desperately by Jan. 6. Will glsd-. ly share.

Ph. 6909 alter 6:00, Mrs. Burgess Jrf. St wife desire 1-bdrm. apt.

or house, r.o children or pets. Ph. Capt. Collins, Hickam. Ext.

81938 to 4:30. local couple, both working, need 1 or 2 bedroom house with yard. Ph. 727285 or 77337. Young Japanese couple from outside ls-land with young child.

Urgent. Please Aljm or 77337. Wanted house to rent Jan. Sz Feb. Wai- kikdistjrefRef apt107.

Bade fam. of 3 desire 1 or 2 bdrm. hst. or Turn. Phone 86244.

Haole fam. need a 2 bdrm. turn, or unfurn. hse. or apt.

Fhone 965663. Eaole island family urgently needs house to town. P.O. Box 2259 or Ph. 3732.

TWO JAPANESE working girls desire apartment. Call 726944 alter live. Fam. of 3 urgently need 1 or 2 bdrm. unfurn.

house. Phone 95051. 13 HOTELS FUMEBANA HOTEL. Honolulu's newest! For the discriminating. Studios.

1-bedroms. All -electric kitchens. 624 Pumehana. off Kapiolanl. 1 block msuka Kay Kan Korner at Ala Wal canal.

PHONE 92401. Howard-John Hotel. 440 John Ena Waikikl. Ph. 901265.

Day and week. CRYSTAL HOTEL. 133-A N. Hotel Bt. Daily and weekly rooms.


REASONABLE PATE. MEN ONLY. IN QUIRE 233-B BEACH Single or dole, rooms for men only. Pnv. entrance car space.

1044 Lunalilo. BOOMS clean homelike 4 beautiful garden at Waikltt. 404 Jlohana. Ph. 98329 of 87865.


Phone Wah. 6023. Hotel Washington Single or dble. rooms. Ph.

93235. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. PHONE 727P7I. Nicely furnished double room for navy couple. Phone 85833.

PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT ROOMS. PHONE 92662. Janoa. Refined haole bus. man.

Private home, private entrance. Ref. Ph. 98258. "SINGLE ROOM FOR AJA ONLY.

HONE 92367. tOOM FOR SINGLE MAN. 1517-A MAKIKI. Rooms for non-drinking gents. 1650 Lili- ha8 Star Hotel.

Famished rooms for girls. 1585 Emma St. Phone 67839. 40 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE LOOK! Why Not Buy Your Car Directly From the Owner? We don't buy, sell, take on consignment, nor charge commissions. The cars are on eur let come down and deal directly with the owner.

CAR OWNERS: For a small registration and daily rental fee. let us show your car to buyera. You close the deal no commissions. Open 10 a.m. to p.m.

Sat. Sun. Weekdays 6 p.m. to ID p.m. CAR OWNERS EXCHANGE 1569 KAPIOLANI BLVD.

PHONE 53429 1947 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE COUPE Perfect condition, fully equipped, spot light, fog light, radio, high compression head and twin carburetors. 1947 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE COUPE With radio. Car is like new. These cars are priced to sell. Call Mr.

D. E. Lcomer at the Alexander Young Hotel between 8 to 11 A. M. 3 to 6 P.

M. BE SMART Deal at the AUTO MART 14C5 Kapiolanl Blvd-Phone 66707 TWO Lift Tow Motor Fingerlifts FOR SALE CALL BETWEEN 8 id 4 -2120 BUICK '46 BUICK SUPER SEDAN Radio and everything, very clean car lor only $3,195. Lown down payments. Trades accepted. Shepard Motors 2841 Pearl HarborJRd.

Phone 84018 Giving away 1941 Buick convertible at $1,450. Own terms, owner leaving. See at Moanalua Used Car ask lor Ernest. Gate No. 1 Rodgers alrporj 35 Buick sedan.

Paint At body good cond. Motor Just overhauled. $350 or any reas. oifer. See at 3438 Manoa Road.

Phone 97278. Buick '46, black conv. Roadmaster. Low mi like new. Radio, heater.

Owner returning to mainland. Best offer takes. Moana Hotel, Room 361. '39 Buick club coupe. Orig.

own. Best offer. 5241. 12th NHA-2. Ph.

404281 bet. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1938 Buick special 4-dr. sedan.

Excel, radio, 11.100 cash. Ph. eves. 79837. '42 Buick super sedanete In good condition.

Best offer. Phone 88170 '38 Buick Special. $1,300. See anytime. 2358 Booth Rd.

Ph. 68354. 1940 super Buick. $1,750. Ph.

2805 be tween 8 as or 3DK4 eve. '39 Buick Coupe, $1150. Lunalilo St. See at S26 41 Buick 4 dr. cond.

Ph. 53396. sedan. Radio. Good 1945 Buick conver.

for sale at $3,475. Ph. P. H. 66166.

ask for Lt. Col. Gordon. 1946 Buick super 4-dr. sedan with nylon seat covers.

$2 850. 94664 after 5 m. CADILLAC '45 Cadillac. 4-dr. sedan.

Series "62" Sell or trade for '46 or '47 Buick. Call at 315 Akaka Ln. at Pauoa Rd. CHEVROLET 1947 CHEV. CLUB COUPE Radio and everything.

$2,695. Low down payment, trades accepted. SHEPARD MOTORS 2841 Pearl Harbor Rd. Phone 84018 1940 Chevrolet coach, practically new tires, new battery and carburetor. Radio, fog lights and other accessories.

Never been wrecked or ln a strain. Bee at 2323 University Ave. Ph. 98485. '41 Chev.

4-dr. sedan. New paint, seat covers, good rubber, excel, motor. $1,500 cash or terms. Will take earlier model- for trade.

Ph. 92472. '47 Chevrolet Club Coupe with 9 extras, excel, cond. Reasonable. Leav, Call at I452-B Tusitala St.

'46 CHEV. TOWN SEDAN Radio and Tery nice. $2,395 full price. Shepard Motors 2841 Pearl Harbor Rd. Phone 84018 1938 Chev.

convertible. Very good condition. New tires. $875. Can be seen at 1630 Kalakaua Ave.

or ph. S2472. '41 Chev. conv. club coupe.

Perf. cond. Radio, new top Se paint. Best offer. 2032 Dole St.

'37 Chev. master deluxe. Best offer. Ph. 58043 8505 Beretania.


84086. 1259 N. KING. '36 Chev. 4-dr.

sedan. Best offer. 1020 Kam IV Rd. after 4. '40 Chevrolet, 4-dr.

sedan. Best offer. 2002 Kalanl St. 1933 Chevrolet 2 door sedan. $325.

Ph. 6211 'til 89272 after 4. 46 CHEVROLET 4 A-l COND. PHONE 57829. 1S42 Chev.

special de luxe, spotlight, radio, Ph. 73188 after 5 p. m. '42 Chev. Arrow sedanette.

Two tone green, radio. Phone 96492. '31 Chev. spcrt. 2-dr.

Radio, fair $225. Ph. 68692 bet. 4 7 m. 37 Cher, coupe.

5 pass.) 2430 Rose Bt. sk for Kamihera. CROSLEY NEW CROSLEY AVAILABLE Sedan. Convertible. Pick-up PACIFIC MOTORS.


PERRY, Realtor 1131 Union St. Ph. 2419-67913 28 LOANS PAY FOR CHRISTMAS PURCHASES NEXT YEAR A loan In 1947 can be repaid In 1948 In easy monthly instaliments. Your car. your furniture or your signature may be your security.

"The Discount Ltd. 3rd Floor Bishop Bank Bldj. Phone 58936 WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOB HOMES T. Kondo, Broker O.B.A. BONDED tz REAL IT Ph.

3035 Salesmen JOSEPH BEN CHUCK SHIMA D. S. Umemoto REAL ESTATE 411 Boston Bide. Phone 8748(1 Wilbert Y. Yagi, Realtor 11 ARCADE BLDO) Ph.

2616-540295: Res. 971 BUY. SELL OR TRADE. CONSULT WM. H.

KAM. DBA. KAM REALTY CO. 57029. S3410.

53869L K. Yoshioka, Realtor 93 Merchant St. Ph. 58685-9384 HOWARD K. HEE, Realtor 315 Dillingham Bldg.

Ph. 58604 A. H. Rice Realtors PH. EVES.


s401 JAS. T. KAWAMURA. BROKER Phone 69981 Res. 79903 RAYMOND NIKAIDO.

Broker. 920 Alakea Bt. Phone 2446-77204. J. REGO JR- REALTOR, lor advice 00 real estate.

Phone 66781. 14. B. McQUEHREY, 9-A ARCADE BLDO. PHONE B7405 W.

C. SILVA. REALTOR. Rm. 310 Ph.

5837897490 r. A. DENIS. BROKER Phor.e- 65835 HUNG WAI CHING. REALTOR Phong 293 PARKER St COMPANY.

IS Kam. Hury Ph. Wah. 4631-39S2. SIK KUM TSUI.

74 So. Phone 58845. 63706. Street. 29 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GOING BAKERY FOR SALE By Owner $22,500 Cash or Terms It Is worth your while to Investigate this deal! For Details Call 79304 Eves.

Disinterested parties please do not bother. BEAUTY SHOP With Furnished Apt. FOR SALE OR FOR RENT VERY GOOD LOCATION CALL 53122 SUNDRIES MEALS and Soda Fountain Business Good Business Location Reasonable Oiler Accepted Phone 72213 SACRIFICE $2,000 Good location Steady business SIERRA BEAUTY SHOP 3516 Waiaiae Ave. Ph. 73533 days: or 73465 eves.

VERY PROFITABLE Jeep U-Drive Business For sale. 24 jeeps. Good location. Phone 59427 54877 eves. For sale.

Modern shoe repair shop in-ceding ail machinery supplies. $60ff. Deposit is included in $8,000 price, plus 2'i year lease. Phone 66074 or 716125. TAXI FOR SALE including rental of Young Hotel stall '41 Packard Clipper, just overhauled, new upholstery 5 new tires.

Phone 87537. Cafe for sale. Good location. Price $4,600. For information call 57911, ext.

9, ask for Rusty. Long established, washing machine repair business for sale. Retiring. Ph. 72143 for details.


Taxi stall for rent or repair shop for rent. On Fort fit. Ph. S575 for information. BODY ii FENDER SHOP in Kakaako district FOR RENT.

GOOD LOCA-TION. Phone 65989. Radio appliance (tore with repair shop. Good location. Phone 7546S.

Grocery store on Vineyard St. for sale. Best offer. May contact owner by phoning 5921L BARBER SHOP IN TOWN FOR SALE. PH.

98651 or 97117 NANCY Traveling market. Fully equipped with eiec. appliances. Ph. 69401 or 69893.

Restaurant for sale. With living quarters. 611 N. King..

Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)
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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.