The Terre Haute Star from Terre Haute, Indiana (2024)

18 THE TERRE HAUTE STAR, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1,1958 NOW SHOWING "PAL JOEY" LOOK FOR YOUR NAME IN A WANT AD THAT OFFERS YOU 2 FREE PASSES TO THE GRAND THEATER If you find it come to the "TRIBUNE-STAB second floor office, identify yourself and pick up-the passes. TRUCKS FOR SALE. FORD dump truck. 2-ton. 1816 N.

8th st. H-3951. G.M.V. pickup, perfect. See at 429 N.

9th after 3 m. L-7657 STUDEBAKER pickup. '48 Dodge 1-ton pickup Simmers. 410 3rd ton pickup. speed, perfect H-5402 CLEAN I'A-ton government trucks.

'52 models. L-9707. 53 COAL, WOOD, FUEL SEXTON clean mine run lump. JO Block coal $7 SO L-9Q24 COAL. S8.5H per ton No slack D-5029 NO COAL.

lump, non-clinker tS.50 2 tons or more; $7 1 ton ash furnace coal $7 Cheesman. C-3760 LINTON No lump oil-treated stoker $9 Brazil block Wolf's C-6Bnl MINE run SI)' (furnace coal Hay Weir a-1489 B-0178 BRAZIl Block S8: lump ts 25 Wm Bess C-8428 COAL hauling, an; amount, prompt delivery H-7150 KINDLING fireplace wood basket coal Hauling BOO 41h 1-64211 ONE or two-ton Brazil block. lump. S-47R5 HOME of the Silver Star of Hill and West Virginia Coal. Kriescher Coal and co*ke Co C-J126 CLEAN mine run.

S6 50: Brazil, block 3 tons or more. S3 Sport C-9j04 WHITE ash mine run SS 50 Quirk Walker H-3209 CLEAN SOT. lump $6 so ton 7909 Charles Baker MDrcTrun MI'S lump 1 ton 56 50; 2 S6.25 Porter D-4951 Brazil block. S6 50 and up L-4965. coal Prompt delivery Thompson L-6428 CHATMAN'S block coal S6.501..$7.501 and $950: lump S825; stoker $8 7a C-86na FIREPLACE wood oak ash hickory beech any length Dan Smith BRAZIL Block son lumo $7 50 Fur.

nace S7 Bud Morris LINTON No 4 SO 75: Brazil mine $7 ton or more F.arls I COAL ton up. Prompt delivery H-B302. UNTON No 4 lump and oil treated stoker S8 75; Brazil semi-mine run 807, lump Joney Earls ONLY dirt is dirt cheap! Feed your furnace a long burning coal, less ash or clinker Acme Coal Lime C-8151 BASKET coal and ton orders delivered. Also trash hauling. Charles Schell.

L-2997. EDWARDS BROS Rrajil block S8 50 Linton No. 4 lump S9. Whits Ash coal, Wheel in 75c ton. N-6185, N-4303.

ANDERSON'STCOAL Washed and oil-treated lump. stoker. 58.50; egg. S7.50 C-8754 clean white ash mine run, lump S6.50 Will deliver 2 to 6 tons ot Brazil block at S7.50 ton. Quick service.

Middleton. C-5842. TRI-K COAL 9STH RD MINE DEL. 1x4 FURNACE LUMP 56.50 $8.23 Sg GR lA STOKER S'S SIS SUPERWASHED COAL, WOOD, FUEL. Extra clean mine run coal 1 ton $6.55 2 tons or more $8.25 D-4391 Porter MINE run.

$6.50: Brazil block. $8: Chieftain lump. $8.75: egg. SB; nut $8.25: stoker S8.75. DITNEY HILL STOKER DEEP VEIN COAL CO.

960 Poplar MT PLEASANT COAL MINE C-8555 DEL. MINt Lump S3.00 S6.0n Egg. 3x6 $7 75 $5.75 South of Mt. Pleasant Church on Old Riles Road QUALITY COAL OAK GROVE COAL CO LUMP EGG Mine at Spring Hill and Canal Roads at SDringhill C-KKI09 N-3D22 C-53123 Be Thrifty, Order Now GOOD QUALITY LINTON 4TH VEIN 4x2 050 Only Ton Ideal for Stove, Range or Hand Firing BLUE RIBBON COALS 950 Wabash C-5045 BUILDING MATERIALS. 1x12 WHITE pine sheeting S10 Wolfe Lumber 1615 Carl ave.

C-6801 SHEATHING and floorlne 54 up. ji's Car flooring ties 24IV1 13th CONCRETE and celo-crete blocks Hitton Concrete Products 14on Snrinehill rd Maryland Subdivision C-52S7 WHITE DRIVEWAY stone, sand gravel. Prompt delivery Standard Materials. N-7515 CONCRETE BIOCKS MIDLITE Blocks Concrete septic tanks COOK Concrete Products C-1764. 1430 Buckeye.

C-1764. Concrete Blocks, cash and carry at vard G.A MONNINGER 4000 North 7th st C-4527 2x4 2x6 2x8 No 3. 100 ft. S51)0 4x8-V 4 mahogany plywood $4.99 Straight studs $1250 Good sheathing $10.00 Oak flooring. 100 ft $11 00 DIX LUMBER CO.

945 OHIO STORE EQUIPMENT 2 MEAT cases. 10 ft, very good condition. 230 llth. C-8457. USE THE BARGAIN CORNER IN THE WANT AD COLUMNS To Sell 'DON'T NEEDS' at a LOW, LOW RATE 2 LINES 3 Days $1.35 Here is your opportunity to and economically ot the things you no longer need 0 articles placed by the individual and priced at S25 or less are permitted this particular classification CALL C-1331 AND "CHARGE IT" MUSICAL MERCHANDISE.

BAND instruments in tiptop condition! Sterchi, 307 Wabash WE buy and sell pianos Sappington. 733 7th c-2461 WANTED to buy pianos. B-8616 PIANO TUNING repairing. Ferguson Piano Service. L-9538 L-2739 CASH IN AT HENDERSON'S Cash in your instrument rental receipts.

(Regardless of where you rented) to us on any new instrument of your choice. Get cash value for what you have already paid. $79 ap CLARINETS $90 up Other Instruments at Low Prices. HENDERSON'S STUDIO MUSIC STORE 21 S. 13th St.

C-4421 who DIRECTORY of SERVICE and REPAIR Consul? these Advertisers now They Are Fully Equipped To Take Care of Your Needs Service CALL H. "Curly" Kadel. Air taxi, rides, charter, lessons, express. C-8090. Appliance Repoir SERVICE on all major appliances.

Walter Schwartz. S-3171. H-6800 SERVICE on all household appliances. Fenton. N-8022.

Automotive Service AUTO, truck painting. $39.95 up. Body, fender repair. 1919 N. 6th.

L-5623. YOUR CAE Let us put it in tip-top con- dition for anv weather. BE SURE it will start when you need it. DOWNTOWN CHEVROLET Awnings, Venetian Blinds LONG'S Venetian Blind Sales Cleaning. 1615 Oak st C-3169 Bicycle Repair BEST bicycle repair Also salei Drakle's Sporting Goods 416 Ohio Carpet, Rug Cleaning BEAUTIFUL carpets and rugs are no accident They are the result of professional care.

Let us clean your rugs and carpets and make them look like new. C-9513. Terre Haute Carpet Cleaning Rug Co. 'Carpentering CARPENTRY and light repair Available now L-4505 CARPENTRY, remodeling and repair work. Prompt service.

N-4571. Watch Repair 1 repair any watch or clock worth repairing 420 Ohio st WATCH and Clock Repair Robert Hickman. 800 Washington C-3538 Cleaning 4 HOUR SERVICE Mondar Thru Saturday Free Moth Proofing on. All FASHION CLEANERS JO 5th St 2606 S. 7th St.

W. T. H. 15 Ave. RICHARDS for Even-thing.

N-4155. Dirt basem*nts, bulldozing, grading. EXCAVATING high lift work ing dirt Claude Wardle D-7923 lift work clear- PARKING LOTS driveways white rock, gravel cinders, topsoil fill dirt, back filling, crawl spaces eradins hi- lift trucking Ray Johnson. H-7298 "Floor Service SANDING done by professionals. Call up for an estimate.

Lanier, H-9050, FLOOR Sanding. Joseph Long. Successor to Jesse Board. L-3703. FLOOR sanding and refinishing or do your own rcfinishinc.

Chastain. 3107 Wabasn. C-7523. Floor Covering Service FLOOR covering, wall tile and cabinet tops 16 yrs. experience.

Hord. C-1963 Stoker FURNACE and Stove Repairs Roesch Burman. 935 10th st C-2235 FURNACE stoker and guttering Gallion Sheet Metal and Hardware 1641 25th C-2781 Res H-1768 FURNACF CLEANING and repairing AH makes Utterback. 1313 Lalayette. C-2858 24-HOUR repair service All makes models and types Supreme Heating L-7375 After 5 1 -3942 or H-O512 Furnace Repair Oil, gas, coal furnace repairs.

24-hour HOOSIER HEATING. 1256 Laf. L-6023. CLEAN YOUR FURNACE BOB SHARP'S Heating and Air Conditioning 1726 Wabash L-8048 Genaral Hauling GENERAL hauling of any kind. Also will move you.

Reasonable. H-2927. TRASH, ashes, cinders, coal, black dirt, white rock and gravel. L-1444. H-6376.

LIGHT hauling trash and cinders odd 1obs Phillips N-8695 "Home Decorating PAPER BANGING removing, cleaning Leo Greemore. H-8154 PAPER hanging and removing Interior painting Pearce H-4233 PAPEH hanging removing Interior painting Wilson PAPERING steam removing, painting Moore Son C-4461 L-5290 L-4085 It Takes Effort It Takes Ability It Takes Experience (t Takes Time To make your home beautiful. We apply all kinds of material. Your Wallpaper Decorator LAWRENCE GREEMORE L-9884 L-9884 2611 Franklin Modernization Construction Repair REMODELINCl Add that extra room Closets garages estimates C-6643 ALUMINUM storm windows and doors Jalousie windows Porch Insulation etc. Guarantee Roofing.

C-950L Moving and Storage SAVE money move yourself Rent any sue trailer Z701 7th. CALL Sam Sapptngton C-2461 Local and long distance moving Insured Filing ALL kinds saws retoothing. joint and gum circle saws 2501 13th L-7712. "Roofing, Siding, Guttering Roofing, siding, attic Insulation Aluminum storm doors, windows. N-3J15.

Radio and Television RADIO-TV Repair Don Domers 1234 Wabash L-6134. SERV1CS anjt make time Morrow Call L-8883 C-9748 SKILLED TV repairs Any make or model Lowest prices TV 1417 Poplar Guaranteed TV SERVICE COMMERCIAL TV SERVICE C-5918 OBIES SERVICE C-2784 2224 WABASH 'Sewer Cleaning- Contracting EDGAR HOUSE, sewer contracting, estimates 2360 Hulman H-7134 H-4288 CLOGGED Sewen Inside Drains Roto Rooter Sewer Cleaning Service Work guaranteed. 3415 5th. C-484L Sweeper Washer Refrigerator Service YOUR MAYTAG washer the best care and repair Call Cromwell's Jon 3rd Home ot Maytas (1 79 Expert Sweeper Service All MaKes Hoove Car' OvstnEer The Root Store C-4371 After C-7470 ACF Washer Supply Parts Motors Service. Washer Rebuilding C-5991 Ohio.

NORGE washers. Service and Repairs. Automatic and conventional models. "Jensen's" Appliance Store 828 Wabash C-3176. FURNITURE repairing of all kinds.

Harris Mfg 807 Poplar. C-8139. REUPHOLSTER now and 14 Trent Son. 831 6th. C-8680.

REPAIRING gluing refinishing can inz Free estimates Delivery Mason. 1435 9th C-3193. Vault and Cesspool CESSPOOLS and septic tanks cleaning, $18 each, installing. Favre. CESSPOOLS ana sewer cleaning in stalling Bob McCalister C-5932 VAULT cesspool cleaning IS up 10 barrels Leo Guess H-6267 N-2365 CESSPOOL, septic tank cleaning mates Walter Lowe.

L-23Q5 SEPTIC Tanks. Cesspools, pumped and installed McCalister b-6180 WILL clean any cesspool, settle tank or grease trap, $18 L-0865. Lamb. CESSPOOLS and septic tanks pumped. Quick service.

Reasonable. L-0995. CESSPOOLS septic tanks and grease traps pumped, $17.50. Plenty of hose to keep off your lawn. C-4137.

IMMEDIATE service cleaning cesspools septic tanks SIS ea Will check il -lines. Pumo basem*nts. L-3368. WELDING repair hydraulic hoists Dresser Eopt. 124 Paris T.H D-572S Drilling WELt drilling Pumps and service.

A. W. Pigg. 17th. C-17J8.

MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. RECORDS 45 r.p.m. Snodgrass Shuffleboard Sales. 2355 1st ave. SLINGERLAND (lighted).

complete set and symbols. $50. C-4458. MUSICAL instruments, new or used Trade Terms Repairing. Henderson Music Store.

13th st C-4421 INSTRUCTION available on all mstru Brass woodwinds, euitars etc Four qualified instructors Open Fvery Rvenine 'til a m. Paiee'f Music Store 642 Wabash BALDWIN and LESTER pianos, demonstrators and rentals. Many cannot be told from new. Budget terms. Rent a brand new piano $9 per month Henderson Music Store, 21 S.

13th st. C-4421. SPORTING GOODS. 30 H. P.

Scott-Atwater electric motor with controls, $230. 700 N. 13th. BROWNING Shotguns and Rifles Georee 'Bait King" Timko 116 mv, st C-3530 EVINRUDE Motors! boats, trailers. Complete Tine Marine Accessories.

Johnson Marine 1228 Lafayette C-27S1 JUST all new MEBCUHY MARK "78" 70 h.p. outboard motor. See the WORLD'S LARGEST production outboard motor today. On display at Paitson's Marine Annex. 1136 Wabash.

C-2315. We Trade and Finance MCMILLAN SPURTS me 8th and Wabash -Meadows Center PETS-SUPPLIES. GERMAN Shepherd puopies. A. K.

C. Max Lorenze, Rd. 340. W. 3 mi.

Brazil. IMPORTED canary singers, $10. L-7628. Johnson's Rouse of Pets, 1101 Ohio HORSF.S. Ponies, equipment and horse trailer 3826 Wallace Ave.

PEKINGESE puppies, pedigreed males females H-9924. 1829 27th PETS gifts and supplies, all kinds American Pet Shop 826 Wabash SETTER puppies, registered, male and female, 10 wks old C-1667. BABY Parakeets. 125 S. st WILD Bird Seed and Feeders.

"It's fun to feed the birds." Quinlan Seed Store, 317 Wabash. NU-MEA1 The oesl ouy in doe tood 25 Ibs for $2 Graham Gram Co 4th Poplar Libertyville DOG Vitality: Rydes Carter's Feed Store. 1025 16th STALEY'S Dog Food S2.00 RYDES Dog Food $2.35 We Give Top Value Stamps. C-4977. Standard Hatchery, 219 Walnut.

DOG BEDDING AROMATIC CEDAR. Repels Fleas. Kills Odors. Makes Coat Glossy Cedar Shavings, per bag 75c Cedar Shreds per bag $1 00 Armstrong-Walker Lbr. llth-Spruce FRUITS-VEGETABLES.

APPLES, cider. Zimmerman Farm, just sou'h of Poplar on 46 WATER Duo Therm. Skelgas and Rheem. gas and electric. 30 to $89.95 and up.

No down payment, easy terms Stewart and Foulke. 1207 Wabash. RESTAURANT SUPPLIES. Restaurants and Taverns Supplies and equipment for all your needs See us before vou buy Terre Haute Fixture 17 South 5th St. C-62S4.

REPOSSESSED Necchi zig-zag sewing machine, monograms, decorates without attachments. Canont be told from new. Original S309.95, balance due only S97 Take over payments of $8 month C-3276 Restaurants and Taverns Supplies ana onces CUT RATE CHINA AND GLASS INC. 200 Wabash b-6059 MACHINERY. SEE your "JOHN DEERE" dealer for industrial equipment U-0322.

Funqannon Industrial Sales. 1609 Laf RENTAL SERVICE. BABY Furniture Rental Service Wishes You AH a Happy New Year. FOR RENT Hospital beds, supplies and invalid equipment Call C-2685 RENT a locker, live for less. Frozen Fresh Foods.

Inc. 11 1st C-2544. SANDERS edgers polishers, steam wallpaper removers and hanging tools, ladders Armstrong's 2018 Wab FOR RENT Modern floor Sanders edgers wall paper steam removers floor polishers etc. Smith-Aisop Paint Varnish Co. 104 Wabash ave store C-6033 McCULLOCH chain saws, portable electric drills, sandcrs.

saws, pipe dies, etc By day or "2 day PAITSON'S MARINE ANNEX. 1136 Wabash C-2315 TUXEDO RENTAL Tuxedos co*cktail coats, white tuxedo jackets, cutaways, full dress suits and accessories for WEDDINGS and ALL OCCASIONS Tuxedo RENTAL Department. 8th. Wab. One Hour "Martinizing" Cleaners.

CAHILL'S RENT-ALL SERVICE PARTY NEEDS L-8826 248 South 7th WANTED TO BUY. HOUSEHOLD full or small lots C-6653 YOUR USED plumbing fixtures. C-2701 JUNK cars and trucks SCRAP METAL. 458 Lafayette. C-6400.

JUNK JUNK Junfc. Highest prices iron, metal We pick up 7 days H-4S24 MEN'S used suits trousers shoes. Cleaners 213 3rd st FURNITURE Appliances. Top Prices. Ideal Furniture.

Call C-3848. WHY sell your household goods for less? Call Cromwell C-5079 POOL table, regulation size. H-6602. GRAND piano in good condition. D-5204.

WANTED Outdoor rabbit hutch. Call D-7309. WEST Terre Haute Auction will buy furniture or haul in and sell at auction. D-4485. MISCELLANEOUS SALE.

WILL PAY cash for Rood used plumb- Ing fixtures. C-2701. 21" TV $50; 17" TV $40 Both A-l 2144 Dillman TV's Good used reconditioned sets. Obie's Sales Service. 2224 Wabash TOM'S Bike Shop.

21 17th L-P313 Everything on wheels for children. SURPLUS insulation, rock wool, first grade. Cheap. L-8784, L-1085. JIG saw patterns and material.

Hood Woodworking, 21 24th. C-7920. 2 STORM windows, storm door, Cheap. 629 S. 22nd st CLEARING out used TV's.

$45 up. Brant's. 1202 Wabash. C-1221. 1-ROOM house (16'xl4'l to be moved from 5215 Ohio ave.

N.T.H. N-2351 METAL cabinet bases, $12.98. Smith's Dept Store, 4th. and Wabash. SPACE Heater, 50.000 B.

T. traded in on L.P. gas furnace, has automatic controls. Purair N-3S85, N-4985. REFRIGERATOR, medium size, excellent condition, $69, $1.25 weekly.

Silverstein Brothers, 526 Wabash 5 LBS. Genuine D-Con only $5.95. Ready to use. Sage, sure C-Con. Carter Feed Store.

1025 S. 16th. ORNAMENTAL columns, railings. $14 to $25 Toni Derr. blacksmith Portable welding 1715 Washington.

C-8792 FORMICA and Consoweld. Paneling, several designs. Hood Woodworking. 21 SPECIAL! Speed Queen washer. Deluxe automatic.

Regular price. $299.95. Save nil.07. Sale price, $188.88. Smiths Hardware 301 Wabash.

THIMBLE THEATER STARRING POPEYE nDrTT IMPRESS THEW ouj' BOYJ iu-SHoioTrEM SOfHEIHINQ 10 MAKE MISCELLANEOUS SALE. LAMPS LAMP SHADES, all kinds Lowest prices CHRISTENHOLZ 19 4 BICYCLES, all sizes. Radio-phonograph TV 2021 N. B'h LARGE oil furnace and blower, like new. S75.

2411 N. 15th. SELECTION of large trunks. Becker's Jewelry. 410 Wabash.

ANTIQUE sleigh bells, Herman Jacobs, Rosedale, Ind. No phone calls. DEVILBISS paint gun. air hose, 20 cu. ft.

upright freezer. 108 Kent ave. H-S361. FRESH River Fish. We deliver.

Furr's Fish 123 Harding, C-1840. CONICAL TV antenna channel). Completely installed $15.95 Combs Variety. Laf. Sc Locust.

C-1630. UMBRELLAS, (ladiesl Peg. $2.49 Special $1.00 Harry's Variety Store, 424 Wabash. STEAM and hot water heaters, overhead type. Firman 600 N.

1st. NEW ring mountings. Men's and Ladies, were up to $22.50. now $8. Save at Morris Pawn Shop, 304 Wabash.

ADDING Machines, cash registers, typewriters. Sale or rent. Small down payment. terms. 28 3rd st.

DE VILBISS Flock gun. Approximately 120 Ibs. of flock, 1 moisture trap. H-6361. HI-GAIN all channel Sky Ray antenna, completely installed, $45.00 Open 'til noon Sunday.

Combs Variety, Laf. and Locust, C-1650. CLEAN L.P. gas fuel ranges with 100- Ib. bottle hook-ups, from S40.

Puratr Bottle Gas Lafayette and Ft. Harrison rd. USED TIRES Guaranteed S4.95 Washers Ranges. TVs. Refrigerators, Guaranteed Low as $39.95 Vigo Tire Mart.

4th Walnut. C-3664. SINGEB electric portable sewing machine, very good condition, balance due $22 Take over payments, $1.25 week. Call C-3276. ELECTRIC MOTORS Water pumps, oil burners and stoker New and reconditioned.

Unger Electric Co 4th Laf. L-0974. MR. or Mrs. Buddy Morgan.

3550 Berne ave. If you will come to the Tribune- Star 2nd floor classified office and identify yourself, we will Rive you 2 free passes to the Grand Theater to see "Pal Joey." Buy with Confidence Clean, guaranteed ranges as low as $15 Daniel Appliance. 120U Wabash. WARM Morning gas-fired, full firebrick lined double duty incinerator, burns both garbage and trash, about 2-bushel capacity, fully automatic, easy to install and operate. Cash or terms.

Purair Laf. and Ft. Harrison rd. SAVE $1CO. New automatic Kenmore portable sewing machines, floor samples, monograms, appliques, embroiders, buttonholes, sews on buttons without attachments.

Regular $259.95. now $159.95. Sears. 660 Wabash. BEYOND the mains U.

gas useri. Purair Corp. installs complete L. P. fuel furnaces.

We operate a complete Sheet-Metal Shop, 24-hour "around the clock" service. Free estimates, low cost finance. Lafayette and Fort Harrison. N-3685, N-4985. "CRUSADER DOOR" The economy 4-section door made by the Overhead Door Corp.

8x7 $67.50 9x7 $76.50 (Not Installed) OVERHEAD DOOR CO. 15th and Penn. R. R. C-2527 SPECIAL! CEILING TILE at REDUCED PRICES! Farrihgton Lumber Co.

1000 S. 14th C-8781 ROOF COATING. KfV 5-gallon pail ROLL SHAKE SIDING djj. Covers 100 sq ft. 1 ALUMINUM PAINT (£9 1 eallon ip.J.UU GLASS WOO! INSULATION Wall Thick Baits.

dj9 7f) Per 40 ft bag GUARANTEE ROOFING CO. 20 N. llth St. C-9501 BARGAIN CORNER 2 Lines 3 Days, $1.35 Any items to be sold for total of $25 or Price of merchandise must tim Included In ad. PINK winter copt.

8, like new, $15. N-8243. PORTABLE' sewing machine, good stitcher, $20. L-0483. WARM Morning heater, good condition.

$25. 612 N. 8th St. C-3449. HOUSEHOLD GOODS(Homes) HIDABED.

chrome table and platform rocker. 3023 S. 21st. H-3867. ADMIRAL refrigerator, $60; apartment- size electric stove, $45; Warm Morning heater, $20.

D-6788. MR. or Mrs. Abram Mercer, 1536 Spruce. If you will come to the Tribune-Star 2nd floor classified office and identify yourself, we wUl give you 2 free passes to the Grand Theater to see "Pal Joey." HOUSEHOLD GOODS(Miscellaneous) GAS STOVE, money safe.

S. Sappington. 733 7th. C-246I. TAKE over payments 21 table model TV.

$1.50 per week. C-6045. OLD ice cream cttairs, showcase cash register, iron safe, desk. 119 N. 4th.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS. (Miscellaneous) 3 COMPLETE rooms of good used furniture S9995- $5 down $150 week- Ancor-Indiana Furniture Co 309-311-313 Wabash ave BABY maple, complete with waterproof innerspring mattress. Special $39.50. Tobeck's, 26 S. 4th st.

REFRIGERATORS Several excellent used ones on hand as low as S2D Willis Gas Appliance. 11 6tb C-6063 FOR the best in new and used furniture, appliances and rugs at the lowest cost call on Cromwell's. 200 3rd rt at C-5079 5" All Wool Wilton Two-tone Rose. Regular £169 S29950 Midwest Floor Covering. 507 Wabash.

GAS SPACE. HEATERS. 1 to 5 rooms. Clearance Sale. 20T.

off on all floor si-moles Liberal terms, Stewart 4 Fouifce. 1207 Wabash. TWIN bedroom suite, beautiful walnut veneer, excellent condition. right for that extra bedroom, $98. Credit too.

Fair Outlet Store, 23 S. 5th. ADMIRAL refrigerators, electric ranses. radios, freezers. TVs.

Clearance Sale off on all floor samples. Liberal "sfewart tc Foulke. 1207 Wabash. USED APPLIANCES Get our prices before you buy. Wabash Distributing.

444 N. 3rd. L-6211, FLOOE COVERING Carpeting. Tiles. Linoleum.

Terms. Capps Floor Covering. 30 S. 5th. C-1749 LOOK! Maytag square tub used washers, run good Only $19 50 Terms $1 25 week Cromwell Storage 200 3rd.

"Home of the Maytag LOOK! $100.00 OFF New nationally advertised living room suites, electric ranges and refrigerators. We trade Easy terms. 200 3rd CROMWELL'S WAREHOUSE. BEDDING SALE Several brand-new nationally advertised Innerspring mattresses. Very slightly damaged In shipping, will sell cheap Make an offer CROMWELL'S WAREHOUSE.

200 3rd. E-Z Terms. WHY PAY MORE? for your new furniture rugs stoves. etcT We navi no expensive showrooms, no high-pressure salesmen no finance company to deal with Out of the hieh rent Your dollar buys more Make us an offer We'll do business Easy terms Plenty of parking space Warehouse selling at factory outlet. CROMWEI.I FURNITURE i AUCTION tf, 200 1RD ST THE SWAP SHOP 100 IB.

WARM Morning stove. S16.50; apartment size gas stove, 512.50: floor sander and edger, air compressor. S25; band saw, 525; electric heaters. S1.50 up; .22 rifle. $7.50: electric sewing machine, electric washer, one-wheel trailer, $15: living room suite.

nice dinette set, car top basket. S6.50; filing cabinets, $22.50: magazines 5c or 6 for 25c. Thousands of items not mentioned. 1293 Lafayette. C-4640.

MAYTAG Buy your Maytag from Indiana's outstanding dealer and award winner for the vears 1955 and 1956 Get the best deal anywhere Cromwell's navs new Maytag washers for less than $100 New automatic only $188 with trade. New electric dryer lust $119.50 Easy terms No finance company to deal with. Free parking lot Cromwell's 200 3rd st "HOME OF THE MAYTAG" 3-Room Outfit SEE FOR THE BEST BUY Consisting of new and expertly complete reconditioned furniture Range Refrigerator Included-TV Set Only $299 $15 Down Delivers ANCHOR INDIANA FURNITURE CO. 309-311-313 WABASH ROOMS FOR RENT. LARGE upper sleeping room, $6 week.

L-1456. 505 Swan. FIRST class sleeping room. Gentlemen. ReSonable.

C-6735. H-2182. 506 S. 18th, ROOM and board for elderly person, private home. L-3412.

-NICELY FURNISHED sleeping room, I private, half bath. 608 S. 5th. G.E. REFRIGERATOR 2-door.

guaranteed 1 year. Roehm's Refrigeration. C-4127. 2904 S. 7th.

NEW INNERSPRING mattresses Were $29.50. now Just $1888 Special terms Cromwell's Storage. 200 3rd. PHILCO new electric range full ilze. Value S22995 now $14995 Wabasb Appliance 812 Wabash.

WARM MORNING heater. Coldspot refrigerator, other furniture. C-4540. Todd Sappington. 2-PIECE living room suite, large sofa and chair.

A-l. $67. $1.25 weekly. Silverstein Brothers, 526 Wabash. EXTRA nice room, private entrance, phone, bath.

Gentlemen. C-3729. SLEEPING Rooms, private, gentlemen, near bath. 827 S. 9th.

C-14B5. ROOM in modern. ri at 5. 1h week. Gentleman.

818 S. 9th. H-6006. NICE clean sleeping rooms. 431 s.

5th. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. ONE-ROOM upper, front, furnished, private entrance, share bath. L-12b4. 3-ROOM furnished or unfurnished, $12 wk.

Children welcome. H-8649. 4-ROOM modern. $50 per month. 112 N.

6th st 4-ROOM modern, unfurnished, oil heat Helen Ave. H-0278. 2-ROOM lower furnished. All private, utilities. 218 S.

13th. L-5669. LARGE, clean 3-room and bath, unfurnished lower, heat water. So. L-3882 3-ROOM furnished.

Clean, private, gas heat Adults. No pets. L-2639. 40 S. 13.

rooms. 114 baths, ga heat, water, good condition. H-6324. NICE upper 3-room. unfurnished, heat and water furnished, adults.

91214 S. TWO 4-room moderns, 1 furnished, 1 unfurnished, all private. C-5838. 4-ROOM unit in Garden Apts. lOth and Voorhees.

$50 month Branam i Williams 656 Ohio. C-6015. FURNISHED 3-room. Heat, water, private front entrance, convenient location at 424 S. 16tlS $60.

C-2868. GROUND floor, right uptown. 2-room furnished, refrigeration, bath laundry privileges 128 8th. Inquire 673 Swan 4th street south of 7th and Wabash EXTRA nice furnished 2-room upper, private bath, outside entrance. 1466 7th Call Barnett C-238S 'til 5 p.

m. After 5 and weekends L-2979. BE SURE To Order Your WANT AD Published for at least 7 DAYS right from the start and obtain the most favorable consecutive rate. Pay For 6 Days 7TH DAY FREE RESULTS! Just as soon as you have results, be sure to call and cancel your ad You will be charged only for the actual number of times your ad has appeared! To place your Fast Action Want Ad lust call C-1331 Soy "Charge It" 3ff 43' and wide Priced $3 450 up Also several good used trailert. $250 to $500 down.

Wrlghfi Trailer Sales 2548 Lafayette N-7105. APARTMENTS FOR LOWER, unfurnished, private, modern, 4 rooms, bath, baby O.K. 709 N. 8th. LOWER 3-room modern, furnished.

Inquire 230 S. llth. (21 3-room furnished. South. Automatic heat.

H-2618. NTsth. room furnished, private. C-9068. EXTRA nice 3 and 4-room apartments, knotty pine and tile floors.

818 and 820 Locust L-4765 for appointment. 1 LOWER and 1 upper. Both 5 roomsf Unfurnished. North. C-2490.

2-BEDROOM modern near Brazil. Utilities paid. $60. Brazil 29179. 3 OR 4-ROOM furnished apartment.

929 N. 9th St. 2-ROOM modern furnished, private entrance. Inquire 801 N. 7th.

3-ROOM furnished. Adults. Utilities. $18 $75 mo. 2044 N.

llth. L-5328. NICE 2-room furnished lower, private bath, entrance. Adults, r-5603. UP-TO-DATE 3-room unfurnished.

Best in city for price. East C-8653. LOVELY unfurnished apartment, modern. Excellent neighborhood. C-5553.

ATTRACTIVE 2-room furnished, private bath, entrance, gas heat H-5448. 4-ROOM. nicely furnished and private. Automatic heat H-1706 or D-4792 after 5 p.m. FURNISHED utilities and furniture.

3 large rooms $65 J. B. PFISTER CO. C-50S5. DE LUXE 5-room modern on 6tn.

Long living room, fireplace, possible 3 bedrooms, lovely kitchen. Near St. Anthony's Hospital. L-8652 after 5 m. C-6722.

DOWNTOWN Furnished, Adults CROMWELL APTS. 514 Eagle C-9308 HOUSES FOR RENT. 5-ROOM modern house, garage. Inquire 1825 Harding. C-6837.

3 ROOMS and bath, modern. Coal stove. Adults. 1906 N. 19th.

4 ROOMS with bath, oil heat, $40 month. L-7706. FURNISHED house in AUendale. no children, no pets. W-1619.

2 COZY Houses: 3-room, 2-room, with garden spots. East Glenn. S-2775. 4-ROOM modern furnished at 2O22 N. 20th.

C-1756, L-5011. 3-ROOM modern, oil heat, electric range. 2902 5th. 825 6TH. 44oom modern, gas heat Inquire 831 6th.

1940 LEE sided 5-room home. C-2493 SEMI-modern. newly painted and decorated Garage. C-2259. 3-ROOM modern, gas heat, newly remodeled.

1317 N. Uth. C-S668. 5-ROOM modern cottage at 1022 N. 4th.

Call N-4725 after 9 a. m. 3-ROOM modern home, water furnished. Inquire 917 So. 9th.

4-ROOM modern, stoker heat, garage. $55 mo. 920 N. 16th. U-D102 4-ROOM modern within 3 blocks of 7th and Can be used as office or residence.

Box 42. Tribune-Star. RENT to reliable couple, nicely furnished modern home. Vi utilities, garage, garden space. No pets.

S-256L 4-ROOM house, lights, gas, city water, sink in Kitchen. 2512 Maple. Inquire 2704 Maple. B-4449. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 baths, large kitchen.

Heat, water furnished. 831 S. 3. B. PFISTER C-5085.

FARM house, newly decorated. 4 rooms, garden, $30 mo. North of N.T.H. at Stop 20, east 2 mi. Electric lights and telephone available.

C-3197. 4-ROOM modern furnished, can be used as 2 bedroom, basem*nt, furnace, city gas and water available now. 1541 1st H-9523. MOBILE HOMES. 28' HOUSE TRAILER, $550.

Good condition D-3322. SPACE for modern trailer. 4200 Tuttle N. T. N-6124.

Modern house trailer for rent Wright's Trailer Sales. Seelyville. N-7105 SPACE for 3 modern trailers. W. T.

H. Trailer Park. $12 mo. D-4081. EXTRA nice 36 ft.

2-bedroom. late model. Reasonable. 2209 N. 9th.

RICHARDSON trailer, modern. 33 ft long, 2 bedrooms, priced right See Marvin Myers, Dana, Ind. MOBILE HOMES. FUNCAMNON TRAILER SALES Featuring Schult Richardson. Detroiter.

Liberty Great Lakes trailers See us for better used trailers. 1609 Lafayette C-3111 Thomas Trailer Sales Insurance financing 2300 Lafayette N-3395. WE BtTV SELL. TRADE MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS OF ALL MAKES Low Down Payments. Long Terms.

WE FINANCE INSURE Your Trailer Headquarters Froehde Mobile Homes. Inc. 7th and Lafayette C-2518 HOUSES FOR SALE. SMALL 4-room modern. 2524 s.

6th. H-asoa. 5-ROOM modern, like new. $1,500 down. $65 month.

C-1727 2 baths. FHA. $1.500 down, $42.24 per month. 1451 Woodley, L-3507. 6-ROOM modem.

South. $500 down, $54 month. Vacant. N-3425. TAKE A LOOK at 2452 N.

14th. Four-room Modern. L-9168. 4-ROOM modern, full size basem*nt, oil heat, sell or trade for larger home. L-7735.

automatic oil heat, tots. $7.500. 2009 4-ROOM modern, fruit trees, on 3 28th. 6-ROOM modern, extra lot. double and single garage Near Collctt Park, 2424 N.

Center. L-8249. STRICTLY modern 3-room house en full lot, $4,800. 2730 N. 13th.

N-4123 for appointment. Will sell on terms. 2 strictly' modern, new furnace, new bath. 3 large room semi-modern, nice interior. $5,000 for both.

H-6404. 922 1st. MORTGAGE LOANS To Duy or or remodel your home. Wabash Federal Savings Loan 10 North 6th st 230 S. home, corner location, rooms, automatic gas heat, rental on upper apartment will make monthly payment, full basem*nt Closa to Wabash.

Small down payment C-4847. REALTORS LISTINGS. 5-ROOM modern, north. $3,850. C-SO35.

NEW 3-bedroom home nearina comnle- tion C-1987 or C-2528 2-BEDROOM modern, southeast, completely, remodelled inside, very reasonably priced. C-2995. 4-ROOM home with bath. Approximately acres of ground, near Farmersburg. Sale price $3.500.

9 m. 4 p. m. 3-BEDROOM modern. Nice built-in kitchen, full basem*nt, automatic gas heat, 1 acre 'ground.

East of 41 North Stop 15. p. m. 4-ROOM modern. built-in kitchen cabinets, can be used as 1 or 2 bedrooms 908 S.

8th. Sale price $4.250. Vacant, immediate possession. C-3339. 9 a.

m. 4 p. m. ATTRACTIVE 2-bedroom brick ranch home in Southwood. Large back yard fenced with Cyclone fence.

Attached garage. C-6722. NORTH; Vi acre ground and small, modern home. Hardwood floors. Full basem*nt, automatic heat Insulation.

Ground fenced. Located 3548 Sheridan Road. R. A. Grass Agency, 618 Tribune BIdg.

C-9497. After office hours call C-1756 or L-9965. OUR "WANT LIST" tells us we need contemporary 2, 3, and 4-bedroom homes for sale in the $10.000.00 to $25,000.00 price range and up. Call us for an authoritative sale appraisal and list with the confidence of attentive, efficient, professional "sizzlemanship." C. L.

BARTLEY, Realtor, 15 South 9th. L-6081. HOUSE BEAUTIFUL 313 SOUTH 22ND good desirable four bedroom brick and frame home Hulman Meadows Third Addition. Built for the present owner, this home has the best of everything and has been meticulously cared for. Attractive fireplace ui the carpeted living room and dining room.

Two full baths. Birch kitchen with dining space, Full basem*nt, ample storage space. Attached garage, expandable for two cars. If you are looking for a choice family home in a choice location, let us show you this offering. Price: $32,500.


S25 S. H-2253. CABINS, COTTAG5S-SALE, RENT, LEASE. 3-ROOM Cabin and bath, small lake, partly finished enclosed. New materials.

Plenty ground, as is $2.650. or will finish on- contract Buy your building sites now. see them at Woodview Subdivision, 7 ml S. of Terre Haute, S.W. of Riley 1 mi.

ft acre up, $600 up. C-63639. FARMS-ACREAGE. FOR Farm and reeder Loam See Carl Miller. 229 Sth C-3306.

BUSINESS PROPERTY- SALE, LEASE, RENT. 823 N. modern, for small suburban. C-3800. BRICK BUSINESS BLDG-, right down town at 16 S.

Sth. Offered at a bargain, $9.750. Terms to fit you. Automatic hot water heat, vacant Branam Williams, Realtors, 656 Ohio. C-6015.

WANTED REAL ESTATE. Ratcllffe Realty to sell your real estate WE need listings on 2, 3-bedroom homes, city, suburban. Dunlap. C-8087. QUICK SALE for PROPERTY.

Call DECKARD Real Estate. C-39C5. 2-3-bedroom bungalow or ranch-type house. $5,000 to $12.000. H-1695.

WE need listings on Homes and Farms. A. E. Myles If Son, Realtor C-3500. 321VJ Ohio..

The Terre Haute Star from Terre Haute, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.