Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

the the as as as as as 1 4 4" Marion, Indiana, Chronicle Nov. 3, 1953 3 Income Will Continue To Drop In 1954 Benson Says Farm Prices But Not, Farm HOT Va. un Secretary of Agriculture Benson says farm prices but probably 'not farm income may still be falling next year when the Republicans will be struggling to. hold their control of Congress. The beleaguered cabinet member predicted Monday night that farm prices and.

farm costs will both be dropping. He said he believes that overall "the, retreat of farm prices a and incomes has been stopped." Farm prices have generally been falling for over a year and a half. Benson spoke to. the state dinner of the Southern Governors Conference. He got.

an ovation when introduced, and when he ended his during it his hearers sat on their hands. 1 "Next year farm prices may decline slightly, but farm costs also are expected to dip downward," Benson said. sum it up the supply and demand' situation and VACUUM CLEANERS about. DEAL ITT KARNES FROZEN FOOD FIRSTS Chinese Foods CHOW MEIN 3 Kinds EGG ROLL -FRIED RICE WON TON SOUP EGG DROP SOUP Pizza' Pies Confection Rolls Coffee Cakes Brownies Waffles English Muffins Blueberry Muffins Cheese Cakes DINNERS Pot Roast Swiss Turkeys 10-Sea Foods-10 10. Juices 10 10 Fruits 10 21 Vegetables 21 FIRST IN FROZEN FOODS The MAMMOTH OPEN WEDNESDAYS 614 So.

Gallatin, Ph. 3914 also the price and situa-1 tions offer encouragement." Benson also told the Dixie governors the Eisenhower Administration will ask the states to shoulder a greater load in dealing with farm problems. Several of the governors wondered aloud where the money would come from. din of Maryland, the lone RepubFrom Gov. Theodore in.

McKellican in conference of Dixie executives, came words of praise for. Benson. "We are ready to follow his lead," McKeldin told newsmen. But Democratic 'governors generally "were less charitable toward Benson's obvious bid for Southern support for what he termed the Eisenhower Administration's plan to "take that which works fairly well" in the present farm program "and strengthen it." Gov. John S.

Battle of Virginia said, "If he has a farm program, he hasn't told us what it is." Gov. Allan Shivers of Texas, who supported President Eisenhower in last year's campaign, said he wouldn't be surprised if farm and a lot of other prices decline next year. He said Benson was "honest and honorable" but 'lacked the "old pro" approach. Gov. James F.

Byrnes of South Carolina, another 1952 Eisenhower DOG BURIED EIGHT Be DAYS IN GROUNDHOG HOLE IS RECOVERING INDIANAPOLIS UP--L. E. Cooper said today his beagle Jack, is regaining health and lost weight after being buried eight days in a groundhog hole. The dog was given for lost after disappearing while Cooper was walking over the farm of his brother, Roy, northwest of Worthlington, in Greene County. Eight days later, duck hunters reported hearing faint noises underground near a ditch.

Roy Cooper said a neighbor, Clyde Bender, dug 10 feet under the bank and found the dog, scratched and starved to about halt its. normal size. The farmer sald the bank of the ditch apparently caved in and trapped the dog after he had chased a groundhog into its hole. COME AND GET 'EM! Elephant Ear BREADED TENDERLOINS vi World's Largest HOT, DOGS The Biggest MALTS Anywhere lOON'S DRIVE-INN 37th and By-Pass Year 'Round Service It's New It's Plastic Coated 4.1 New Dura Shield House Siding Many New Colors to Please You. 19 Colors of Roofing in Many Designs: PHONE 5736 FREE ESTIMATES EASY TERMS THE BRICKER HOME IMPROVEMENT CO.

3715 South Washington STEEL CARBON STEEL Hot Rolled Cold Rolled 45 in Sheets and Strip STAINLESS STEEL Sheets Plates Bars Shapes Wire SERVICES Siting Decoiling, Leveling, and Cutting to Length Edge Rolling Stretcher Leveling Special Marking and PHONE AGENTS a Wire 2-5451 Butler Steel. Buildings MILLER STEEL KOKOMO, INDIANA 1221 S. PLATE ST. SHEET and STRIP SPECIALISTS supporter, applauded, Benson's Congress de- a "reasonable in the 1954 cotton acreage allotment. Gov.

Robert F. Kennon of Louisana, an Eisenhower supporter, said he thinks Benson has come as close to solving the farm problem as anyone can. Kennon said be thinks the states on more agricultural responsibility, as Benson suggested. But he said along, that responsibility the states should be willing to put up local cash. Said Gov.

Herman E. Talmadge of Georgia, chairman of the conference: "Mr. Benson is a fine, affable Christian gentleman, but I am disappointed that he didn't advocate price supports at 90 per cent of parity for basic Parity is an artificial price said by law to equalize farmers' returns from their produce in relation to the prices of things they buy. SAYS WYATT IS INELIGIBLE INDIANAPOLIS (A) Atty. Gen.

Edwin K. Steers Jr. said Monday Robert H. Wyatt can't legally be a paid lobbyist for the Indiana State Teachers Assn. because he's also a trustee of the State TeachRetirement Wyatt, who is embroiled in an investigation of the association's lobbying expenses, replied, law does not prohibit a state board member from acting as a lobbyist." If it does.

he said, the ban would also affect some lobbyists for such -groups as the Indiana Farm Bureau and the Indiana State Chamber of Commerce. Steers also told Secretary of State Crawford F. Parker the lobby expense law requires Wyatt to report lobby expenses for the whole year, not just those during the Legislature session. Parker has Wyatt to explain -at ISTA financial statement to prove the association spent only $3,073 on lobbying, as reported officially. Wyatt, who is ISTA executive secretary, said he'll have to get authority from his executive committee to open up the records.

Four Big Trees Cut Down With Power Saw HAGERSTOWN, Md. Authorities today were hunting for, the persons who buzzed along the Smithsburg-Foxville road, felling four big trees across it. Deputy Sheriff Leister Isnogle said the deeds were done with a portable power saw. One tree is so big, the Washington County: roads department is going to use it for part of a bridge. GAS CITY GAS CITY-Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Martin spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, Kokomo. A The Rev.

and Mrs. G. Russell Humerickhouse attended the Woman's Society of Christian Service meeting which was held at Sweetser Friday. Miss Bertha Starkey, a returned missionary to Japan Korea, speaker. anthe Mary "Esther Circle of the First Methodist Church will be entertained Thursday at the home of Mrs.

Herbel McClure, She will be assisted by' Mrs. Graham Hand. The devotions will be presented by Mrs. Glen Eubank and the son, by Mrs. Herbert Grubb.

Circle Two will be entertained at the church annex with Mrs. Donald Barker' as hostess at 1:30 p.m. Friday. The devotions will be given by Mrs. Joseph Taylor and the lesson, by Mrs.

Edward Breece. Mr. and Mrs. J. C.

Spiker returned home Saturday from a month's vacation in Virginia, West Virginia, Washington, D. the Carolinas and Tennessee. Mrs. Robert Martin and Mrs. Macy Young were dinner guests Wednesday of Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Page. Mrs. Cora Krider had dinner guests Saturday her grandson and family, Mr. and Mrs.

Billie. Jay and daughter, Marion, left the first of the week for Saginaw, Mich. where he has accepted a position with the General Motors. His family will move in the near future. The Beta Latreian Club will "be entertained: today at the home of Miss Lucille, Gaetje.

Program will be in charge of Mrs. L. J. Garrison. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Flowers, Marion, called on Miss Edith Linn, Sunday. The Crochet Club will be entertained Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Roscoe Johnson. Mr.

and Mrs. William Jones, Hartford City, were dinner guests Sunday her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin.

The Mill Township Home Demonstration Club will be entertained Wednesday at the home of, Mrs. Dewey Hole. She will be assisted by Mrs. Orie Linville. We anticipate every detail with dignity, good taste and orderly pro to make the cadure complete Funeral RAVEN Home Sr Columnist Can Have By JAMES MARLOW.

"UP President Eisenhower has set up a dozen or so committees, commissions, advisory groups, boards and panels to help his administration fix policies and programs. Outstanding men have been appointed to study such national and international problems as agriculture and foreign trade and then suggest what to do for the best interest of the country. But Eisenhower may be in as much of a dilemma after one of these groups finishes Wits task as before, because of a couple questions: 1. Can any' man who considered a problem for years and probably formed pretty positive opinions now look at it with an open mind just because the President asked him to? SLEEPING PILLS FELL CONVICTS WALLA WALLA, Wash. PAll was quiet at the Washington State Penitentiary Monday night, should been.

Some: 400 convicts were snoozing off the effects of a' weekend bender on sleeping pills. Warden John Cranor tells this story: Inmate employes of the penitentiary's warehouse curious Saturday when a shipment of war They happened to open a box consurplus hospital, supplies arrived. taining 40,000 Nebutal tablets. They, 1 passed 10,000 pills around to other. corvicts and.

as one guard put it: By Monday morning the whole prison population had rubber legs. A man would be walking down the sidewalk and fall flat on his face. 4 "We put them in wing one until there just got to be too many of them. A shakedown by prison guards, Cranor said, turned up most of the pills not gobbled down by the prisoners or flushed down the toilets just prior to the shakedown. Bathtub Beer.

Blows Its Top in Sheriff's Office TULSA, Okla. (P Deputy R. B. Jones thought he heard shots in the sheriff's office and rushed inside, gun drawn. Instead, the found that six gallonjugs of bathtub beer seized in a Saturday: raid and held for courtroom evidence had blown their tops.

JONESBORO JONESBORO, Ind. The J. C. Knight Parent-Teacher Association will holdy a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Nov.

9 with the Gas City PTA at the Mississinewa High School cafeteria, Thomas Saliba will present the robed choir in several Fred superintendent, will Produce faculty and on "American Education." Miss Sellars Thomas Saliba will lead in group singing. A tour of Refreshments conducted. will be served by the hospitality committees in the cafeteria. Mr. and Mrs.

Claude Parrish of W. Sixth Street and Mrs. Cora Parrish and Mrs. Garnet Draper of Marion attended the funeral Monday. of the former's uncle, Charlie Parrish, at Windfall.

Relatives have received word that Terry Lee Southerland, seven, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Southerland of formerly of Jonesboro, received a fractured right leg Saturday when Ca school mate accidentally ran into him "with a bicycle.

He was taken to a physician where the fracture reduced. The Joy Circle of the Jonesboro nesday at the of Mrs. ClinFriends Church will, meet Wedton Lemons on W. 11th Street. Mr.

and. Mrs. Paul Goble of California have moved into the Southerland apartment on Avenue. Mrs. C.

Rhoades is reported ill at her home on S. Water Street. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Carey of Oakland, were Saturday guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Corlin Shields. the afternoon they attended the funeral of Miss Mae Thomas at Marion. Mrs. Marion Corbin will entertain the Julia Circle of Jonesboro Friends Church Wednesday.

Mrs. Corlin Shields will conduct devotions" and Mrs. R. J. Baskett will give the lesson.

Viking farms in Greenland are being' revived as the climate grows warmer. Hendey's 4 SEE IT WORK! Land See a beautiful, finished care in 60 seconds. See how P. We'll take your you try it free! HENDEY'S Photographic Department 508 South Washington Advisers On Problems Open Minds 2. And what is the "best interest, of the United There can still be a wide difference among them on what's good for the country.

Such a difference appears in the 17 man commission on foreign economic policy. Its main job is studying the Reciprocal Trade Act, which means telling Eisenhower and Congress whether tariffs on foreign goods coming here to compete with American products should be higher or. lower. The chairman of this tariff commission-Clarence B. Randall chairman of the board of the Inland Steel Co.

-has been quoted as telling his commission colleagues he was attempting to preserve an open mind and as urging them to do the same. In a book. "Freedom's published 27, Randall said America's traditionally. high tariff policy. "must yield to the imperative new necessity for broadened world trade." The word "bias" was flung at him aunost instantly by a committee representing a number of industries, trade associations and farm and labor groups which want higher tariffs because, they: say, they're being.

hurt by imports made more cheaply, This organization passed a resolution calling on Eisenhower to fire Randall" from the trade commission. About the same time, another member of Randall's group, Rep. Richard M. Simpson (R-Pa), gave his views. Simpson "Certainly, we are not going to enace any proposal which will admit a flood of imports.

In my opnion, we, are going to give the protection to our domestic hard Don't Be SKINNY New Nay trickly PUTS POUNDS and INCHES FIRM FLESH Skinny Figures NOT A SUGARY TONIC, NO ASHY OILS, NO DRUGS, NO OVEREATING you are skinny, thin and underweight try WATEON. Anyone in normal. health may casity gain pounds 10 pounds 20 pounds and more so fast it's amazing. WATE-OK is not a medicine Isn't intended to care anything. Instead it's the utterly new kind of concentrated body building al- in- one meal of easily digested calories long heard was coming.

hom*oGENIZED. Fortified with Vitamin amazingly successful Vitamin B-12 and quick merry dements so calories build body instead of being wasted. Cheeks out, and bustline gains, skinny saderweight that need these extra calories out all over the body: Fights fatigue, low resistance, loss of sicep, poor endurance. GAINS OF 5 POUNDS IN 7 REPORTED Because individuals vary you must try WATE yourself to see what it may do tor you. daily dosage is as rich in calories as in many skinay person's regular meal.

Wonderful for talks with small stomachs who fM op and lose appetite fast. War prisoner gained, children gained, women gained. Hundreds of endorsem*nts. Begin now taking WATE-ON weight maintaining meals as directed. Starts putting on Arst day.

Put on weight to your delight or money backs A WATE ON TED LIQUD (Aise Concentrated MUIR'S 111 E. 3rd Street Ten of the 17 men on Randall's commission are from Congress, five senators and five House members. Some want higher tariffs, some lower ones. There is some question whether Eisenhower himself can be said to have an open mind on tariffs. tHe has repeatedly advocated more world trade.

Higher tariffs would cut down' this country's part In such trade, not increase it. Eisenhower will' probably two reports from the Randall commission, one urging tougher tariffs, the other wanting tariffs cut. He'll have to decide which one to recommend. In the end, no matter what he says, Congress will give the final. answer.

Priced Right Exciting keep out! Old Man Winter WITH aluma kraft in Aluminum Awnings The Most Featured Awning in Lowed No Rot, Sag No Storing, FREE ESTIMATES NO MONEY DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY Aluminum Supply Co: INC. 3 FRAUNCE 2124 So. Adams St. Phone 1153 FOR. IMMEDIATE SERVICE.

Call Cochnower Pest Control Servicel "Marion's only locally-operated, pest control service." Andy Thayer Manager, Operator Call Today COCHNOWER PEST CONTROL SERVICE. 14tb and Adams Phone 5155 or Jonesboro 87136 ELECTROLUX 95 I $2 Down CALL ANY. $2 Week PHONE TIME 5412 REBUILT and GUARANTEED BY Midwest Stores Inc. Wort ADVICE VOLUNTEERED- -Two past presidents of the Optimist Club brief the present leader on the "hows and whens" of the organization. The past presidents were honored at a dinner meeting held by the club Monday night at the Marion Hotel.

In this informal group are Wayne Lantis, Fond du Lac, (left). and Virgil Pontzious, Pomona, Calif. (right) giving advice to, President Philip Bolman. (Chronicle Photo.) Michigan Turnpike Authority To Confer With Indiana Group DETROIT The Turnpike Authority has turned" "to a possible joint meeting with Indiana toll road officials as step in planning the proposed Detroit-Chicago Expressway. William E.

Slaughter, Authority chairman, said Monday a report to Authority, Michigan traffic, will justify a turnpike despite a similar project in northern Indiana "will logically lead to the meeting. "This report means that' Michigan traffic stands entirely on its own merits and justifies an eastwest turnpike, PTA NOTES MARION PTA COUNCIL Mrs. Ward president of Marion PTA. Council, opened the 'organization's meeting at. the School Monday night with devotions.

Reports on the regional district conference held recently at Fort Wayne were given by Mrs. Harold Dennison, Mrs. Leonard Moore and James Gardner. Mrs. Arnold asked all city PTA presidents to submit a complete list of unit officers and names of chairmen of the various committees.

HARTFORD CITY HARTFORD CITY Homer Mills, 33, father of five children, was. taken to Monday by Sheriff Robert Wentz to serve a 60-day penal farm sentence after being found guilty in city court of a disorderly conduct charge. He also drew a fine of $100 and costs totaling $113. Mills pleaded not guilty to a second charge, that of drawing a dangerous weapon, and the case was continued by Mayor William C. until the defendant returns from Putnamville.

The stiff fine and sentence was given, the mayor said, becuase Mills allegedly had threatened a police officer Friday, with a shotgun when he was called to the home by, the defendant's wife. Stultz, 33, Pennville, is 'reported. in a serious condition at the Blackford County Hospital with pelvis, facial and chest injuries sustained when his car overturned in a field on Road 22, east of the city. The car, sheriff Robert E. Wentz said; tore down 20 rods.

of fencing when it crashed into a ditch, and then turned over several times before coming to a stop in the field several rods from highway. Stultz was trapped in the car for more than six hours until he managed to attract attention with a flashlight. He will have X-rays taken when his. tion permits. Kenneth Wilson, 27,7 Montpelier, tried for manslaughter in the Delaware Circuit Courts at Muncie, Feb.

1. The trial date was set after he entered a plea of not guilty at an arraignment before Judge Paul Leffler. A to quash the charge was overruled. Mrs. Mary Mills, 37, Marion waitress, an occupant of Wilson's car, was hurt fatally Aug.

19 in the accident at the south edge of Muncie. Coroner Eugene Eissman. charged in the affidavit that Wilson was under influence of intoxicants at they time of the crash. Three two car accidents, within an hour Monday treatment for two Hartford City women at the Blackford Coutny Hospital Miss Leta Aice Wilman was treated for a bad laceration above the right eye and Mrs. Verla Dudleston, upon admittance to hospital, complained of one leg and her back.

X-rays were scheduled to determine the extent of injury. The two were riding in the car driven by Robert which collided with another driven by Mrs. Mary. Weakley. Both vehicles were damaged badly.

The other two accidents were of 8. minor nature, police said. Four Blackford County men each paid a fine of $35 and costs in city court in Fort Wayne, Saturday following a disturbance at Monroeville Friday, and later a fight in the sheriff's car while being taken to a jail at Fort Wayne. Arraigned on disorderly conduct charges were Thruman Lillard, 28, Jessie Rogers, this city, David H. Bowman, 32, and Ben Humphrey 43, Montpelier.

Births reported at the county hospital include to. Mr. and Mrs. William Hensley, a son; Mr. and Mrs.

Daniel Denney. Pennville, a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bozell, near Marion, a son; and Mr. and Mrs.

Otis Lillard, son. Marriage licenses have been issued here to Marilyn Strobl and George Loyd, both of Portland; and Gertrude Gentry and Fred Monroe, both of Muncie. 1: 41 "It will logically lead to a joint meeting of our Authority with the Indiana toll road officials to decide where we, may best co-operate our projects. The Authority heard reports engineers and financiers on the project. Monday.

would: run from the west end of Willow Run Expressway near Ypsilanti, turning south of Ann Arbor, north of Jackson, Albion and Marshall, then falling south of Battle Creek and Kalamazoo. It would head westward to Benton Harbor New Buffalo, where it would, 'join the Indiana road. Justin R. Whitney, Consumers Power Co. board chairman 'and a member of the Authority, was given the go-ahead to draw up financial contracts for the But, he said, either the investment officials or the Authority could back out at any time they wanted to" BLAME FUMES FOR CANCER NEW YORK IP -Exhaust fumes from cars; trucks and buses creeping in traffic jams may be a hazy, blue.

plague causing some lung cancers, scientists reported today. They find the exhausts can spew out chemicals which give mice skin cancers. A Exhausts: from gasoline or diesel engines apparently contain more of these chemicals when running slowly, as in traffic tieups, than at higher speeds. But hopefully engines kept in good condition don't give out any. A well-kept engine- would thus seem to be less of a threat than a neglected.

jalopy. or bus. The exhaust studies: were cited as one of numerous bits 1 of evithat polluted air from factories, highways and even home may be a cause of a frightening and rapid rise in lung Lung cancancer now is killing at least four times as many American men and twice as many women as in 1933. Its prevention is the theme of the annual meeting of the American Cancer Society here this week. Smoking, especially of cigarettes, is blamed by other scientists as a main or contributing factor.

Twelve different studies in five countries now indicate that the rish of lung cancer "increases with the amount smoked," said Dr. Ernest Wynder, of Memorial Center for Cancer and Allied Diseases, New York COURT MINUTES SUPERIOR COURT Virginia G. Powell vs. John E. Powell.

Divorce. Dismissed. Victorine Allen vs. Clarence Allen. Divorce, Dismissed.

Virginia J. Knemeyer. vs. Jack Fred Knemeyer. Divorce.

Granted, Clasby and Ora Clasby. Note. at on finding. Piedmont Finance Corp. vs.

Ray Judgment for plaintiff, costs against the "defendant. Jame M. Rice vS. Clayton L. Rice.

Divorce, Granted. Custody of child awarded plaintiff. Costs against defendant. Geneva L. Collom vs.

Dean C. Divorce. Dismissed on motion of court. Costs against plaintiff. We Say We Mean FREE: $1.00 Tube Pile Ointment Noted Clinic Makes Most Unusual Offer to Any Afflicted Person- No Coupon Charge There are no don't mean free "with" something! We mean just this: order to introduce it to anyone who is afflicted with Piles (Hemorrhoids) or, any similar rectal condition, the Thornton Minor Clinic will send free on request, a full-size $1.00 tube (not a mere sample) of Thornton Pile Ointment: free and postage paid.

Send only your full name, age and address. A post card will do. "However, this offer is limited and may be withdrawn at any time, so we suggest you write at once. Address Thornton Minor Clinic, 911-A. Linwood Kansas City 9, Mo.

This offer is exactly as stated above -no charge no abligation no bill now or later. -Adv. Prat 3 F. 1- 4: r. 3 2.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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