The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, Tentative Route of Toll Highway Through Palmer I PALMER Here is a map showing the tentative route to be followed by the new toll highway which will pass of Palmer. Small squares marked along the route and in as structures which will be removed entirely or partially When the route is finally, decided. Some of the squares while others do not. According to Benjamin H. Grout, part of the highway will pass about 200 feet from Wing to present plans, 34 structures will be affected by land Palmer about 760 feet north of Boston Rd.

at the easterly to cross Route 67 into Brimfield. RODENT CONTROL PROGRAM OF FFA IS WINNER AGAIN Agawam Chapter Attains Research Foundation's through a section the map identify Turnpike Authority owners affected, ity. the travelled said that according highway will enter AGAWAM Gold, Silver Plaques Agawam, April 14-The Agawam chapter, Future Farmers of America, for the third consecutive year has won both gold and silver plaques for its program of rodent control in Agawam. The University of Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation makes this annual award to outstanding chapters throughout the nation. The local unit of the FFA the only in Massachusetts to have been awarded the plaques for three consecutive years.

72 Farms Covered Members of the chapter in this year's program placed rodenticide on 72 farnis throughout the community. This was an increase of 28 farms over 44 serviced without charge, to the farmer in the previous year. This service is a chapter community project. and is done without fee of any kind. The boys also serviced the Agawam High School building as a preventative measure? William Rhodes was project chairman assisted by Clyde Light, William Munsell and James Bitgood.

Area committees were: Feeding Hills, Leonard Rising, chairman, Stanley Osowieski: David Wright; West Agawam, Earl Van Wagner, chairman, Avon Perkins, Robert Wilmes, Pierre Phaneuf; North Agawam, Ralph D'Amato, chairman, Dennis Crowley. Don Hall; Agawam Center, William Martel, chairman, William Fearn. Geary Hinshaw, Preston Parker, John Gregory, Frank Moruzzi; South. Agawam, Stanley Lipski, chairman, Peter Cecchi, Robert Harkins: Lt. Gerald Moore Earns Silver Bar Agawam, April 14-Lt.

Gerald T. Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver P. Moore of 791 North St.

Feeding Hills, was promoted to first lieutenant this week at the U.S. Army Engineer Center, Fort Belvoir, Va. Lt. Moore is assigned to the Special Projects of the Engineer Research and Development Laboratories He, entered the Army in August, 1952. Agawam, April 14-Holy Communion will be observed and new members received at the Maundy Thursday service Lay Memorial Methodist Church Thursday night at 7.30.

The Senior Choir will sing "Oh Lord, Most by Cesar Franck. The Youth Fellowship will sponsor the Good Friday service at 6 p. m. which will be featured by a sacrificial meal of bread and milk. Each member attending is expected? to bring the of a regular dinner for an offering.

Elliot Blackburn will lead the service with the pastor, Rev. John A. Caswell, giving the meditation. Others taking part are Joan Irene West. Elaine Jones, Beverly Binns, and Barbara Meissner.

1 METHODIST SERVICES TONIGHT AND FRIDAY THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1954 Palmer School Menus Mrs. Jeanne Andre, Mrs. Julietto Roy and Mrs. Thelma Bengle. School Menus Ludlow, April 14- The menu for the coming week in the high school cafeteria is as follows: Tuesday a-la-carte, vegetable no school beef soup, salad, ham and pickle, peanut butter and, jam, egg salad sandwiches, milk, ice cream; hot lunch, beef stew with vegetables, mashed potatoes, bread and fruit butter sandwich, choice of cookies, cup.

Wednesday, a-la-carte, tomato soup, fruit or salad plate, tomato and lettuce, grilled cheese, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, milk, ice cream; hot lunch, hamburg in roll, mashed potatoes, green beans, choice of brownies, baked custard. Thursday, a-la-carte, chicken and rice soup, fruit salad; peanut butter and jam, tunafish sandwiches milk, ice cream; hot lunch, spaghetti with meat sauce, corn muffin, choice of fruit squares, cocoanut cream pudding. Friday, a-la-carte, tomato, or clam chowder, fruit or salad plate, peanut butter and jelly; grilled cheese, egg salad sandwiches, milk, lice cream; hot lunch, fish sticks, French fried potatoes, cabbage salad, choice of cake, Jello! Ludlow Briefs 14- here are preparing for the traditional Easter ceremonies when practically all families will tables well stocked with traditionPolish dishes and decorations of various kinds. Saturday will be the day when priests of Christ the King parish visit the homes blessing the food. Residents also make practice of visiting each other's homes on this day to taste the newly blessed foods.

Miss Vivian LaMountain of 20 Birch St. is spending the Easter vacation at the "home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur LaMountain of :20 Birch St.

She is a at St. Ann's Academy in Marlboro. Members of the Men's, Club of the whigh school will make their annual trip to Boston Monday to see the Red Sox play. a James Blackburn, Shea, John A will make trip with the group. and Paul Shea, former members, Albert Bassett, custodian in the local school system, is reported improved at Ludlow HospiHe is recovering after he suffered a heart attack in his home Hubbard St.

GOODWIN ELECTED April 14- The Methodist Youth Fellowship of St. Paul's Methodist Church has elected officers. David Goodwin will serve as president, Others: Betty treasurer, Ann Dakers; secretaryJoan Provost: chairman recreation, John Harrison. The group meets each Sunday at 6 in the church. Ludlow, April -Polish residents Washington, April 14 The Navy has expressed acute concern' that enemy submarines could lay highly destructive explo sive mines in American coastal lanes, waters: and perhaps block shipping Rear.

Adm. Wilson D. Leggett, chief of the Bureau of Ships, discussed the prospect last month in secret hearings before a house appropriations subcommittee. Parts of his testimony, were made public today. Leggett said defense against mines is one of the knottiest problems we have had to deal with." He referred to experience with Communist mines in; the Korean war and added: science of countermeasures must make great strides.

"To meet this problem, the Mine Countermeasure Station in Florida enlarged to include a study group of talented scientists the threat and to make proposal which will aid in its solution. 3 Submarine, Mine Threat Greater Navy Problem 31 DOOR KEPT OPEN FOR PRIVATE AID ON AUTO PARKING Persons, Organizations May Present Plans for Developments Wednesday. The Parking Study Commission adopted an Initial guiding, policy last night, that would give private enterprise a full opportunity to meet the downtown parking problem in advance of any recommendations pa facilities. commission, joint body of Commerce and city government members, took no official vote this position at its session in City Hall. Business Response Hoped For But an informal poll of members found unanimous agreement on "the hope that there will be enough response from private business' to provide additional off-strect parking The space in commission the downtown announced arcane blanket Invitation to all persons and private organizations interested in developing commercial parking to attend meeting nextWednesday night at 7.30 in Room 212.

City Hall. Spokesmen said the commission seeks to learn, in confidence if desired, of present, future, and tentative plans or aspirations of any private interests in regard to off-street parking development. Information Guides Action Information gathered in response to this appeal will help determine the commission's future course of action toward ya solution to the ered a the downtown busiparking problem, which is considness center, officials said. Tom Fitzgerald, general manager of the Chamber of Commerce, was elected chairman of the commission. He was named to the body earlier this year tox replace Roger Putnam, formerly chairman, who: resigned to head the city's Charter Revision Committee Alderman.

Raymond F. Sullivan, Ward 7. Democrat, served as acting chairman after Putnam's withdrawal. Fitzgerald and Sullivan joined night in advocating an open field for private busines interests. considering proposals for further, municipal action in parking development.

WILBRAHAM Two Churches Schedule Holy Week Services Wilbraham, April 14- Candlelight Communion services will be held at the Wilbraham United Church at 7.30 p.m. Thursday. Rev. Donald E. Smith will deliver the sermon and special music will be provided by the Chancel Choir.

Grace Union Church will be the scene of the office of Tenebrae and Holy Communion Thursday at 7.30. There will be a reception of new members before Communion. The Meditation will be "The Grace and Glory of Jesus Christ' and will be presided over by Rev. James Keith Moorhead. Wilbraham, April 14- Garden Group 2 met today at the home Mrs.

Robert J. Ardison, Main St. The meeting, "attended by, more than 40 members, featured. table linen and floral arrangements. Mrs.

Blake Prescott, Horticulture committee chairman of the Springfield Garden Club, spoke on the table arrangements. Those making up displays were Mrs. Albert H. Howes, Mrs. James Hamburger.

Mrs. Kenneth Bellinger, Weldon H. Fellows, Mrs. Gordon MacKay, Mrs. Frederick Mrs.

Jolian Jansen, Mrs. Roocrt Carter, Mrs. Alden Safford, Mrs. Spencer Clayton, Mrs. Theodore Hodgeton, Mrs.

Earl Clayton and Mrs. Roger Hintze. Garden Group Features Table Arrangements MOVIES PLANNED Wilbraham, April 14- The second in: a series of Friday night movies will be shown at the Wilbraham Academy Fisk Hall this week. They are presented by- the Wilbraham: Academy Student Council as part of their project to raise money to bring a deserving student from a foreign country here for an education. The movies, as last year, will be for the public only.

The picture to be shown Friday will be "Tight Little Cindy Bennett of the local Girl Scouts troop was one of the high in the recent cookie drive sponsored by the Wilbraham troop. a NEW OES HEAD MRS. FLORENCE SHULTS Wilbraham April 14 Wilbraham Chapter: will Mrs. Florence Shults as matron in ceremonies in the auditorium of Memorial School on Saturday night. The installation will be public affair and will be at 8.

EAST LONGMEADOW TAX ARGUMENT WITH GAS CO. 7 COMES TO END Original Pipeline Assessment Upped Erom 600 to $34,4503 East Longmeadow, April 13-Disposition has been made of the Northeastern Gas Transmission Co. tax assessment dispute for the years 1952 and 1953 through Town Counsel Joseph Jennings, according to the Board of Assessors. Both the town and the Northeastern have been, awaiting the decision of the Appellate Tax Board, concerning the 1952 assessment of the gas pipelines, which Ane had claimed were illegal. Further conferences; however, have brought about a settlement.

Each party has stipulated that would drop its appeal, and, agreed that the assessment recommended by Henry F. Long, former tax commissioner, in 1952, would stand on the records of the assessors as well as the assessment based on the 'tax commissioner's valuation 1953. AS a compromise of its disputed tax obligation to" the town, the Northeastern Gas Transmission Co. has paid the town $738, arrived on was called by the assessors as very equitable basis for the considered recovery due. by the town of money The settlement follows the recent decision of the new tax commissioner to increase by a fairly substantial amount for 1954 the valuation which Mr.

Long, had placed on the gas transmission pipelines: As a result of this increase, the Board of Assessors has decided not to ligation bring the 1954 valuation into litby filing an appeal for further increase. The local assessors were the first in the state to appeal for lines valuation on the Northeastern pipeof There are 3.8 miles these going ly end. town. The assessed East Longmeadow, at the southernow value originally set at $30,600 has which been increased to $34,450 $900 will bring approximately in taxes to the town this year. East.

Longmeadow, April 13-A special program of sacred music will be presented in First Methodist Church Easter Sunday evening at 7.30.% Directed by Karl Gustafson, minister the program will the carols Three Men Trudging" and "Alleluia, Come, Good People" by chancel choir, "Hallelujah for the sung by a male quartet, and a cantata: entitled Crucified" by George B. Nevin. The cantata will open with "The Upper Room" by the chorus, followed by "Assurance" with a bariand tone solo and women's quartet, baritone solo will sung by the and men's quartet, women's quartet men's chorus, and by quartet and chorus. ment' will be an solo and "Calvary' will be sung by the by tenor solo and chorus. Resurrec- The chorus," a followed by cantata will conclude the chorus selection "Lives Again Our Glorious King." tet will Participating in the men's quarbe Owen Kearns, first tenor, Harold Nelson Rickson, second tenor, Howland, Burr, first bass, and George dies' second bass.

The laquartet will include Miss Betty Carter, first soprano, Mrs. Mrs. Jean Gerome, second soprano, and Ebba Gustafson, contralto, Mrs. Esther Weagle, alto. Soloists for cantata will be Harold Burr, baritone.

Mrs. Vivian Untenor. derhill, alto, and Owen Kearns, The special service will include an Easter Scripture by Rev. Ralph C. Crandall; the processional nymn will be "Christ the Lord is Risen Today," and the recessional Hail the Power of the Jesus' Name" will be followed by benediction with choral response and an organ postlude.

Cantata Will Be Offered Sunday East Longmeadow Briefs Leonard D. Austin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard D. Austin Merriam is stationed at Mountain where Home Air Force Base, "Ida, he is assigned to the 9th Headquarters Squadron Section.

Austin entered the service in and received his basic training at Sampson Air Force Base N. Y. His assignment at Mountain Home entails work in' the squadron, orderly room where he performs duties such as chief clerk. security clerk and chief regulations Advisory, board of East Longmeadow Assembly, Order of the Rainbow Girls, scheduled to meet Thursday night, has postponed its meeting A to Thursday, April 22; in the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel Thresher in Birchland Ave. theran Church will not meet night, the session postponed to 'Thursaay, April 29. 0 Easter egg hunt will be held Thursday afternoon at the Busy invited Preschool, sand each pupil is to take along a friend. A hunt will also be held during the morning session for the younger group. Missionary Guild of First Baptist Church will meet 'Thursday at 7.45 in the home of Mrs.

Louise Lange, The church nominating committee will meet Thursday at 8 with Harold Keane of Hampden Rd. A The Board of Selectmen has announced that applications are still being received tor the position of playground director during the summer. Any person interested in applying should write a letter to the board stating his or her qualifications. Deadline for applications will be May 1. The selectmen have granted permission the Worcester County Electric Co.

and the telephone company to erect five poles in Shaker Rd. The Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing in the Town Hall on the joint petition of the Worcester County Electric Co. and the telephone company ate erect William two Clay, poles in son of Somers Mr. and Rd. Mins Arthur Clay of Chestnut is in Springfield Hospital for observa tion and Robert Smith, "chairman of the finance" committee for the Eas "Longmeadow Recreation Association, reports that the house-to-house canvass is complete.

Persons who were not contacted may give 01 send their contributions to Lewis Whitaker, treasurer, at the local branch of the Springfield Safe De. posit and Trust Co. Funds raised through adult membership fees will be used to carry on the various recreational activities and to en large so that a greater number of boys and girls can Nirs. Edward Hass of Porter Rr. was elected second vice-president of the Federation of Motion Picture Councils at a recent organizational meeting in Hotel Gotham, New York City.

Maundy Thursday Services Slated East Longmeadow, April 14-A Holy Communion service, to com memorate the Last Supper, will be held in First Methodist Church Maundy Thursday evening at 7.30. Rev. Ralph C. Crandall will duct the service, and special musia has been arranged by Karl Gus Were When They CruciBetty Carter, soprano, a will sing tafson, minister of music. Miss field My Lord," and Mrs.

Vivian Underhill, alto, will sing The public is welcome to attend. A service of Holy Communion al will be held 4: in First Congregation Church Thursday evening" at 7.30. with Rev. Lorenzo T. Dawe conducting the service.

New members will be received into" the church including 37, young people who attended the confirmation weeks adult members. The classes held, during the, past five class of young people will be confirmed. Special music planned for this service will include an anthem Was Alone by the chancel choir, directed by Mrs. Everett Cooley, and Jean Kirkley, soprano soloist, will sing Listen to the Lambs' by Dett. Members and friends are invited to attend.

A service of Holy Commurion, to include reception of new mem bers, will be held Maundy day evening at 7.45 in St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Rev. G. Theo dore Forsberg, pastor, will duct the service, and Adoip'i Luthgren will be in charge of music.

Gounod 'Jesus, Word of God Incarnate' by will be sung by the chancel "The Healing Cross." choir, the sermon topic will be In Thursday St. Church Holy mass at 7 will be followed by a procession to the reposiwill tory, be and held in the evening a holy hour from 7.30 to 8.30. various other sections on taken by the Massachusetts bear the names of property, vice-chairman of the AuthorMemorial Hospital. Grout and property taking. The Wilbraham line, continuing 'ST.

JOHN'S MINSTREL TO HAVE SPECIALTIES Agawam, April 14 Several specialties are listed for the presentation of the annual minstrel of St. John the Evangelist parish at the high school auditorium the 24th 25th. Included are a number of youngsters. Irving LaFleur will be master of ceremonies and John Chriscola will hold down one of the endmen spots with Tony Bennetti, an oldtime minstrel performer. Among the featured soloists of former productions who will be again are Lillian Tetreault and Paul Begley.

Specialities of younger members of the cast already in rehearsal, include baton twirling, Judy Murphy; trumpet duo, Jack and Bobby Phillips; tap cancer, Carol Miller; and a vocal duet, Barbara land Claudia Janet Charest. is director. The Feeding Hills Women's Club will have its annual banquet and meeting at the parish house of Agawam Congregational Church on May 5 at 6:45. Reservations must bet made before the 28th: with any member of the banquet committee. The speaker will be P.

Blampied of New Zealand who will show pictures and describe the schools of that country, Mr. Blampied is an exchange teacher at Suffield High School and while in this country is living at Norman Ter. The committee on arrangements is Miss Hazel Cooley, Miss Florence Blish. Mrs. Alvin Kellogg, Jr.

and. Mrs. Hazel Prior, Miss Behrens Girls' Stater, Miss Minney the Alternate MISS ELIZABETH BEHRENS: Agawam, April -Miss Elizabeth Behrens, a junior at Agawam School, -will be sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary as Agawam's representative at Massachusetts Girls' State, Miss Joyce Minney. Is is an Honor; alternate. students Miss Behrens.

is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Behrens of 32 Reed St. Sho is an honor student. assistant editor of the school paper a member of the Tri-Hi-Y and Personality and International Relations Clubs, Active in sports, she also has served committees for freshman and sophom*ore parties, the junior cabaret, and the prom.

For seven years she has been interested in 4-H Club. activities LUDLOW G. O. Annual Ball Planned April 30 At High School Zone Changes Get Approval of State April 14- The office of the attorney general of has approved the zone changes voted at the annual. town meeting in March.

Town Clerk Brandon Letellier has, been advised. This approval is necessary before the change of zone may become effective. Changes approved at the annual meeting were: from Agricultural to Residence A-2. land on Harvey Johnson Dr. and Federal Ave.

and on Main St. and Alfred from Residence to Industrial, land off Meadows and Kirkland Sts. in the vicinity of Middle Meadow Pond. The changes in the first two parcels were to take from the general area zone. Agricultural to the rear of a 200-foot strip on any main highway to the residence classifications.

In these instances, the area had been built Cup residentially under a subdevelopment program and the rear of some lots' were left in the Agricultural zoning which was changed to the proper residential classification by action of the meeting. The change on the property off Meadow St. was to open an area for potential industrial development. at noon at the church. Thursday a Baptist The Ladies Church Aid will I Society meet of Thursday First at 7 the Youth Choir will rehearse; at 8:15.

the Senior Choir, both at the church. Ludlow, April The annual General Organization Ball of the local high school will be held Friday, April 30, at 8 p. in the high school auditoridm. The G. a student organization whose main purpose is to finance and interest students in the various extra -cur ricular projects at the high school, with the athletic program being especially dependent on wits help.

The annual ball is provided for members free of charge with an outstanding orchestra secured for the event. Committees making arrangements are; orchestra and publicity, David Minney, Jay Millane; refreshments, Carol Benoit, chairman; Florence Goncalves, Carolann Gershowitz, James Guerra, Barbara Pecedonia and Joseph Soares; tickets, Myra Silva, Chairman; Julietta Nascimento, Toni Martins and Virginia Silva; invitations. Toni Martins, chairman; Carolann Gershowitz and Julietta Nascimento; decorations, Sylvia Gadaire, chairman; Toni Martins, Virginia Silva, Gloria Nunes, Barbara Brodeur, Diolinda Gonsalves. Carol Redin, Frances Gazzone, David' Minney, Carol Benoit and Myra Silva, Faculty members fare serving as advisors. MAGNA CIRCLE LISTS TUESDAY PENNY SALE Ludlow, April 14-Magna Circle, Daughters of Isabella, will hold a penny sale Tuesday night at the Lake Lorraine club rooms of the lotte Ramsay is chairman Knights of, Columbus.

Miss. CharCatherine Cairns, regent, is honorary, chairman. The sale will be open to the public. These members of the circle wilt assist Miss Ramsay: Miss Betty Hennessey, Mrs. Agatha Benoit, Mrs.

Lucille Cairns, Mrs. Ann Callahan, Mrs. Rocci Cecchini, Miss Rose Donlon, Mrs. June Hamel, Mrs. Mary Hayes, Mrs.

Marcella Kane, Miss Florence Hickey, Miss Edith Levesque, Mrs. Eva Lavigna, Mrs. Elsie Marott, Miss Mae MeCurry, Mrs. Beatrice Rickson, Mrs. Helen Rooney, Mrs.

Laura Santos, Mrs. Alice Shannon, Miss Anna Silva, Miss: Julia Silva, Mrs. Mary Vaz, Mrs. Marie Moutinho, Mrs. Laura Letourneau, Mrs.

Yvonne Suzor, Mrs. Louis Avezzie, Agawam Activities Agawam, April 14- There will be a Maundy Thursday service Thursday night at 8 at Feeding Hills Congregational Church. Holy Communion will be observed and new members received into the church fellowship. Agawam Congregational Church council will meet Thursday night at There will be the service of evening prayer. Thursday night at St.

David's Episcopal Church at 8. The Junior Girls Friendly Society will meet Thursday at 4. Boy Scout Troop 79 will meet Thursday night at 7 Holy Hour. at Sacred Heart Church will be Thursday night at 7:30. There will be a meeting to form a softball league Thursday night at 7:45 at the North Agawam, fire station? Officers for Faolin Peirce School Parent-Teacher Association have been elected.

as follows: president, Mrs. Nan St. John; first vice-president, Mrs. V. J.

Brooks; vice-president, Miss Carol Knight: secretary, Mrs. Pisano; treasurer, Mrs. Harry Williams. Members of the executive board and committee chairmen will be announced in May Pupils who will enter junior high school next September were: given recognition and, presented as program, Navy to Spend $15 Million To Train Reserve Forces Washington, April 14 UP- The Navy disclosed today it plans to spend 15 million dollars in the year beginning July 1 in construction of facilities and additions to train Naval and Marine reserve. forces.

In testimony on a Navy Department appropriations bill, made public today, officials outlined a program of 13 Naval Air Reserve 000; projects estimated to cost 10 Naval reserve surface training projects estimated at $2,789,000, and 14 Marine Corps. projects estimated at. $2,420,000. Rep. Wigglesworth, subcommittee chairman, brought out during the hearings that the total amount requested for the coming fiscal year is exactly half that for the current year.

Television- VHF CHANNEL IF BZ, Boston, Mass. THORSDAY 9.00 7.00 Today 6.00 Linkletter Polly Huse 6.15 News 10,30 10.00 Ding -Dong 6.30 Elizabeth 11.00 Man's Arlene Family 7.00 Johnny Kare Francis 7.13 Newstellet 12.15 12.00 News 7.30 Dinab Shore 12.45 Bir Hawking Brother 7.45 John Swayze 1.00 Falls 8.00 Groucho Mart Playhouse 8.30 Broadway 2.45 2.13 Food Industry Fun 9,00 Dragnet 3.00 9.30 Ford Theat. 3.15 10.00 Martin Kane Kate Smith 0000.30 Intrigue 4.00 T. Bartlett 11.00 News 4.30 On Account 11.10 Janet Dean 5.00 Pinky Lee 11:40 Owl Theater 5.30 Howar Doody 12,40 News CHANNEL 10 WEAR, Providence, R. THURSDAY 6.50 Farm News 5,15 Child Theater 9.00 7.00 Today 5.30 Howdy Doody Nancy Dixon 6.00 TBA 10.00 Minister's Desk 6.30 Fulton Lewis 10.15 Godfrey 6.45 Hum Strum 11.00 12.00 Arlene Francis 7.00 Telenewa Rook 7.13 Sports 12.15 Guiding Light 7.30 Dinah Shore 12.30 12.45 Hum Tomorrow Strum 7.45 John Swayze 8.00) Groucho Mary 1.00 Shopping 8.30 Adolph Meajou 1.80 Garry Moore 9.00 Dragnet: 2.00 9.30 Ford Theat.

2,80 Olive Tinder 10.03 Martin. Kane 3.00 Kate Smith 10.30° Playhouse 4.00 T. Bartlett 11.00 4.30 Down You Go 11.15 Theater 5.00 Talent Club 12.15 Daily Frazer WRGB, Schenectady, Channel: Six THURSDAY 6.45 Sign On $.13 Breadtime Today 6.30 Howdy Doody 9.00, Susan Kaye 6,00 Bronco Bill 9.30 Movie 6.30 TV Showcase 10.00 Ding Dong 6.55 Weather Map 10.30 Speak Spanish 1.00 Ozzie-Harriet 11.00-Look-And See 7.30 Earle Pudney 11.30 Strike It Rich 7.45 Newsreel Valiant Lady 8.00 Bet Your Lite 12.15 Love of Life 8.30 Justice 12.30 Search 9.00 Dragnet 12.45 Guiding Light 0,30 Theater 1.00 Mias Penny: 10.00. Martin Kane 1.30 Rolling Stone 10.30 Passover Dave Cameron 11.00 Newsreel 2.30 Trader Van 11.15 Red Levy? 3.00 Kate Smithi 11.30 Paul 4.00 Travelers 12.00 News 4.30 Your Account 12.05 Owl Theater 5.00 The Fireman Television- -UHF CHANNEL 74 THURSDAY Pittsfield 6.00 Telecomica 7,13 Sports 6,30 5.00 6.15 B12 News World Picture Live In 18.30 9.00 7.30 Film What Playhouse Story 7.10 Weather 0.30 Theater 1 CHANNEL. 30 WENB, New Britain, Conn.

A THURSDAY Morning Show 5.00 Western Test Pattern 6.00 News 11.45 News 6.15 Early Show 12.00 Teletheater Weather Jean. Porter News 1.30 Crossroads 7.40 Jane Froman 2.00 Garry Moore 8.00 Jett Jones a 3.00 Club .30 8,30 TV Theater Big Payoff 9.00 Playhouse 3.30 Closed Book 9.30 Big Town 4.00 Serial: 10.00 Detender 4.30 News 11.15 Lata Show 4.18 Blossord Time 10.30 Place a Face 1.35 Radio Patrol 11.00 Newa MISS JOYCE MINNEY and is leader of a younger 4-H girls club, instructing in cooking and sewing. She is secretary of the Hampden County 4-H Service Club, and has been a delegate to number of state 4-H conventions and delegations. Last year she won a $50 savings bond in a bedmaking contest at the University of Massachusetts. Minney, is the daughter of Mrs.

Edith Minney of 34 Norris Feeding Hills. She is an honor student. of the junior class in the commercial course, and is a member of the Personality and International Relations Clubs, the TriHi-Y, and is active in sports. She is organist at Lay Memorial Methodist Church, an officer of the Methodist subdistrict MYF. and is a musician in the Rainbow Girls Assembly..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.